96 Hypoallergenic Non Shedding Dog Breeds 87 Most Shedding Dog Breeds 26 Reasons of Dog Shedding 21 Effective Tips to Decrease Dog Shedding 29 Methods to De-Shed your Dog 11 Best Brushes for Dog Dog Shedding: Guides, Manuals & Tips What Causes a Dog to Shed Excessively? How to Clean Home after Dog Shedding Season? Manage & Control Dog Shedding: Causes, Remedies & Reasons Why, When & How Much Dogs Shed? Moulting & Shedding Dogs and Puppies Dog Shedding Infographics How to Stop Dog Shedding? How to Minimize Excessive Dog Shedding? Best Dog Brushes for Shedding Season Dog Breeds that Shed a Lot Non-Shedding Dog Breeds What can I Give my Dog for Shedding? Low & Medium Shedding Dog Breeds Normal vs Excessive Shedding Patterns How to Prevent or Reduce Dog Shedding? What is the Difference between Hair and Fur? Furminator for Dogs & Puppies What is Dandruff in Dogs? Best Homemade Food for Shedding Dogs Best Beds for Shedding Dogs Brushing for Dog Bathing for Your Dog How Does the Dog Hair Grow? How Much Dogs Shed? Single-Coated Vs Double-Coated Dogs How to Speed Up Dog Shedding Itching, Allegries and Dog Shedding What Triggers Dog's Moulting? Dog Grooming Tips & Basics Dog Shedding Causes & Remedies Tips to Control Dog Shedding What is Hypoallergenic Dog? Why Dog is Losing Hair What is Dog Shedding \ Moulting? Why Do My Dog Shed All Year Round? What is Healthy Dog Shedding? How to Handle Shedding in Old Dogs? Dog Shedding Home Natural Remedies Why and When Dogs Moult? Why Shedding Occurs in Dogs? How to Deshed Your Dog Dog Shedding Tools Best Product to stop Dog Shedding Types of Dog Coats Dog Shedding Season Dog Fur, Hair, Coat & Wool Reasons of Dog Hair Shedding Dog Shampoos for Shedding Ways to Stop Dog's Shedding Dogs that Do Not Shed Fur-Free Dog Breeds What is De-shedding? Why Dogs Shed?
There are no 100% hypoallergenic dogs, dog breeds, or mixed-breeds, but there are many dog breeds that are less allergenic for people with dog allergies.
Despite what lots of people think, it is not the fur itself which causes allergies in humans. It is actually the saliva and dead skin which is carried on the hairs. The term "non-shedding dog" is a bit of a misnomer as in reality all dogs shed to some degree. On the bright side, there are some breeds that shed only very little hair and may therefore be better suited to allergy sufferers and people who like it neat. Certain breeds do shed less than others though, so it is perhaps much more accurate to talk about low shedding dogs as opposed to dogs that do not shed at all.
There are no dogs that are 100% shed-free!
Also, keep in mind that even hypoallergenic breeds can trigger a person's allergies. There is a common misconception that if a dog has a really short coat or has its coat frequently cut, this will stop allergies from triggering. This is not true.
Non-shedding vs. Hypoallergenic The label "non-shedding" is a tad misleading. All dogs shed a little bit. Non-shedding breeds simply shed less. This does not mean you won't find any dog hair in your home, but anyone who does not want to vacuum constantly or find dog hair literally everywhere should consider a non-shedding breed. Of course, less hair also means less dander. Hypoallergenic means the breed's fur does not collect as many allergens. So, if and when the dog does shed, fewer particles of dander or saliva are dispersed into the air. Sadly, there is no magic dog breed that is 100% hypoallergenic. Interestingly enough, since pet dander is composed of proteins specific to a particular pup - in the urine, saliva, and skin. Small dog breeds are far more likely to be hypoallergenic. It is possible that a person's immune system can handle one animal but not another. This means two distinct poodles could cause different reactions in a single person.
What Is A Hypoallergenic Dog? While there is actually no dog that is truly a "hypoallergenic dog", there are certainly some breeds of dog that cause less problems for people with allergies. Hypoallergenic dogs are dog breeds that do not shed much or they are hairless. Dogs with hair that continuously grows and is low shedding have the benefit of trapping the dander in their coats, so it is not released into the air so easily. Dogs that shed often drop both their fur and the allergy-causing dander that is attached to that fur. That is why their dog dander tends to cause problems for allergy sufferers. So, while all dogs have dander, hypoallergenic dogs tend to release less dander into the atmosphere because the dander is held in their fur.
Keeping your dog's coat well groomed - brushing them outside of the house, of course!, washing your dog often with a gentle shampoo, and keeping the house clean can further reduce the effects of dander from your dog. This will be most effective for people with mild allergies. For people with severe allergies, it's important to note that even allergy-friendly dogs can collect allergens in their coats when they are outside - pollen, pollutants and of course, they may come into contact with other dogs when they are out exercising. So make sure you are aware of the triggers for your allergies and choose your dog wisely, for the best outcome for both you and your dog.
What to Consider In order to find the perfect non-shedding dog for your home, consider these factors:
Studies on Hypoallergenic Dogs and Dog Allergens Most studies are based on the main dog allergen known as Canis familiaris allergen 1 or Can f 1. One study compared dog allergen levels of apparently hypoallergenic and non-hypoallergenic breeds. However, no statistically significant difference between dog allergen levels was observed. But what does that mean? Well, basically breeds considered to be hypoallergenic do not actually release fewer allergens into the environment than other breeds.
Another study found that levels of Can f 1 in samples taken from the floor of homes with a variety of different dogs were lower than homes with Labradoodles. The Labradoodle is often considered to be a hypoallergenic breed. However, no differences were found between samples of any other breed - hypoallergenic or not. Interestingly, the same study also found that hair and coat samples of hypoallergenic dogs had significantly higher levels of Can 1 f than those of non-hypoallergenic dogs.
Importantly though, increased levels did not result in higher levels of allergens in the surrounding environment. A study investigating allergies in relation to the time a dog spends in the house found that in homes in which dogs spent most of their time outside had lower levels of Can f 1. The study also suggests that spayed or neutered dogs produce increased levels of allergens, although further investigation is still required. These scientific studies highlight the fact that there is actually no evidence for "hypoallergenic" dogs. But if the terms non-shedding and hypoallergenic are not applicable to dogs, is there a solution for those of us with allergies who would truly love to own a dog? The good news is, yes there is!
Important Things To Remember About Non-Shedding Dogs! If you are considering bringing one of these non-shedding dogs in to your home there are a number of things that you should consider.
It is crucial to recognize the unique needs of hairless dogs - for example, the easily sunburn when left outside for any period of time and require dog sunblock.
Conversely, when these dogs are left outside in the cold they require a dog sweater to maintain their body heat.
These small dogs also tend to have inherent health problems with skin conditions in addition to teeth conditions. So it is important to pay particular attention to any skin rashes and to regularly clean the dog's teeth.
So, some dogs are "hypoallergenic" - a fancy way of saying they do not shed as much as others, and are more suitable for people with allergies:
All animals with hair shed on a regular basis. This is part of the natural life cycle of hair shafts within the follicles. All hair shafts go through phases of growth and shedding. The phases affect the rate of hair growth and will vary by breed, age, hormones, environment and overall health of the dog. These factors also contribute to the length and texture of the hair, though genetics is the predominant factor.
To understand why shedding occurs, it is important to learn the role hair plays for a dog. First, the hair's most important function is keeping your dog's skin, his most vital organ, protected from elements, such as the sun, heat, cold, and more. Hair also keeps your dog's body temperature regulated. Like humans, a dog's hair grows all the time. As the hair stops growing at the end of its natural life cycle, it breaks off. At any one time, each individual hair will be in one of three phases of growth:
Anagen phase: In the active phase of growth, the hair grows continuously.
Catagen phase: In the resting phase the hair stops growing, and may become detached from the hair follicle. In this phase, hairs come out with brushing or if your dog rubs against your leg or sofa!
Telogen Phase: Telagen is the stage where hairs are dormant but are still attached in the hair follicle. Terrier breeds, like the West Highland White and some toy breeds such as the Maltese and Shih Tzu, have fur that tends to rest in the Telagen phase of the hair cycle for longer periods of time. In the final phase the hair falls out to make way for a new phase of growth.
Exogen Phase: Exogen is the period where hair reaches the end of its lifespan and is shed. Year-round shedders have some hairs that alternate between Exogen, Telagen, Catagen, and Anagen stages. Their hair may always appear to be uniform in appearance. Dogs with a single coat, such as Yorkies, may shed less and do so year-round vs dogs with a double layer coat, double-layer coats consist of a layer of guard hairs covering a thicker, soft undercoat. This protective, insulating, undercoat is shed as the weather warms up seasonally and is replaced by a thinner undercoat. This spring shedding is known as "blowing the coat" and is the bane of many pet owners' existences! The hair reaches the end of its natural life cycle and is shed from the follicle, and the process begins all over again.
There are three types of dog hairs, they are:
1) Primary Hairs Also known as Guard hairs or Outercoat. This hair is long, shiny, stiff and, dependent on the breed, can be quite coarse. It's purpose is to protect from water penetration to the skin.
2) Secondary Hairs Also known as Undercoat or Underfur. The hairs on this insulated coat are short, fluffy, thick and usually on dogs that live in cold climates. Some dogs from more temperate climates will have an undercoat for the colder Winter months, and will shed their undercoat as it becomes warmer in Spring.
3) Whiskers The third and final types of hairs on a dog, these grow to help the dog sense their surroundings.
Each individual hair on your dog goes through growth stages, and each of those hairs will eventually become old or damaged and fall out to make room for new hairs. Moulting is natural and healthy! Dogs traditionally used to "groom" their own fur which is quite easy, because, the coat largely regulates itself. In the moulting period, dogs were able to take care of their own fur by licking, taking mud baths or rubbing the fur against bushes to get rid of excess hair.
The moulting happens in a natural way under the influence of temperature and light. When the seasons change, the coat responds to the new circumstances. But because dogs nowadays live indoors a lot, that balance sometimes gets disturbed. During winter, for example, dogs also spend a lot of time indoors by the fireplace. And during the summer they also experience a lot of temperature shifts: from the warm outdoors to the air conditioning indoors.
Additionally, humans have bred long-haired and wire-haired breeds. As a consequence, this means that we need to help our dogs take care of their fur. A common misconception is that shedding depends on your dog's coat length, but that is not true. Shedding varies between breeds more than hair length. What is the difference between shedding and blowing the coat? Often these two terms are used interchangeably. However, shedding is more of a year-round process where stray hair is found almost constantly, blowing the coat is most likely used to depict the seasonal shedding where the dog loses clumps of hair all at once.
What is the difference between Hair and Fur? Dog hair and fur are both made out of keratin, the same protein that is present in finger nails, feathers, hooves, claws, and horns. In other words, hair and fur are chemically the same entity. One of the core differences between hair and fur is that hair is longer and also goes through a slower growth cycle, which means it sheds less often. Fur goes through a faster growth cycle and so sheds more heavily, which in turn, leads to the spread of dander. Fur is more closely associated with the canine undercoat.
This undercoat is also the coat that is the second coat of the double-coated dogs. Most dog breeds are double-coated. Both hair growth and fur growth pass through several distinct phases as part of their growth cycle, and how long each phase takes is one of the core elements in telling hair from fur. Generally, dogs without hair or with continuously growing hair and little to no fur tend to leave the least amount of dander in the environment. Therefore, these canines are known as the hypoallergenic dogs.
Factors Influencing Hair Growth and Shedding
Genetic Factors: Rate of hair growth in dogs is dependent on the site of the hair and therefore also the ultimate hair length, with longer hair growing at a faster rate than shorter hair. Variations in the duration of the period of anagen are also likely to be partially responsible for this effect. There are also individual variations in rate of hair growth, even within members of the same breed.
Photoperiod: Photoperiod is responsible for the production of seasonal moults. Shedding occurs mainly in Spring and Autumn. It appears that increasing photoperiod is a stimulus for hair loss and replacement in spring. It appears that photoperiod is more important to shedding than environmental temperature. This effect is seen in indoor dogs and cats who are exposed to many hours of artificial light and moult continuously throughout the year.
Hormones: Hormones can affect the initiation of anagen and the rate of hair growth. Thyroxine and growth hormone are both important in the initiation of anagen and will increase hair growth rate; oestrogens inhibit anagen and rate of hair growth; androgens have a variable effect. Disease and stress can inhibit anagen and in some cases there may be a sudden, synchronised cessation of anagen which results in hair loss of some two to three months later.
Ovarian hormones may exert an influence on the time for which club hair are retained in resting follicles, the duration of both the active and the resting phases of the follicular cycle, and the rate of hair growth. Further evidence of the role of gonadal hormones in hair growth and shedding arises from the observation that in both cats and dogs, symmetrical bilateral alopecia which occurs most frequently in neutered animals is responsive to ovarian hormone replacement therapy. Hormones influencing metabolism and growth have a non-specific action on hair growth and thus the rate of shedding.
Environmental Temperature: Seasonal effects on the hair growth cycle unrelated to those caused by seasonal variations in hormone levels may be ascribed to environmental temperature.
Diet / Nutrition: Hair is composed of 90% protein and as a consequence up to 30 percent of the body's daily protein requirement is utilised in the processes of hair growth and epidermal keratinisation. Various mineral and vitamin deficiencies have been observed to increase hair loss and/or cause alopecia in dog and cat. Nutritional dermatoses are rare when a well balanced, complete diet is fed, but may occur when the diet is poorly formulated or stored, when the animal's intake is reduced - due to stress or disease, or when the animal is unable to digest, absorb or utilise the nutrient as a result of disease or genetic factors. Nutritional supplements are commonly used to improve coat condition, but they are rarely formulated specifically for dermatoses.
Age: Puppies appear to have a lower percentage of follicles in the telogen phase than older dogs and one might therefore expect older dogs to moult more copiously.
Body Region: The speed of hair growth in the different regions of the body may be very marked in some animals - for example, Afghan Hounds who have very short hair on the face and long hair of varying lengths on the body and limbs. These local variations may be due to either variations in the duration of anagen, or the speed of hair growth, or both. The speed of hair growth appears related to the ultimate length of the hair.
Breed: No striking breed differences are identified in respect of the duration of moulting. The average length of moult is 43-53 days.
Husbandry: Living conditions may affect the predisposition of dogs to begin moulting or to display continuous moulting. Moulting is likely to begin sooner in dogs living indoors, particularly in long-haired breeds, and especially for the Spring moult. Of dogs housed indoors, 39.3 percent moult continuously, a figure almost twice as high as that in dogs living in the open.
Hair Clipping: Clipping of the hair increases the rate of epidermal cell renewal. It is thought that hair clipping stimulates a more rapid epidermal cell turnover to produce a more protective surface to the epidermis. Surgical wounds further decrease epidermal cell renewal time.
Facts about Dog Skin and Hair Coat
Dogs have compound hair follicle.
There are approximately 100-600 hair per sq cm of dog's skin.
Dogs do not synthesise enough vitamin D in the skin.
Dog's skin is thinner than human skin.
30% of daily protein intake is taken up by hair production.
Newborn puppy's skin and coat represent 24% of his bodyweight (12% adult dog).
pH of skin in dogs is different from human skin.
Dogs and Cats have sweat glands over the entire body surface. They are simply not confined to foot pad or planum nasale but it is not a major means of thermoregulation in dogs and cats.
Dogs shed it is what they do. However, excessive dog sedding might be a cause for concern, as it can often be symptomatic of an underlying condition. Learn the signs of normal dog shedding and how it is different from illness-related shedding. Shedding is part of everyday life with a dog. Excessive dog shedding, however, could be a sign of an underlying issue that could require attention and care. Most dogs shed year round, though some will "blow their coat" seasonally, once or twice a year, in a most spectacular fashion.
Year Round Shedding - Some dogs shed a lot, and some do not. If your dog is healthy and regularly sheds a lot, it is just part of who they are. As a loving pet parent, it's your cross to bear. Most normal shedding is the loss of the undercoat, with some regular loss of fur. Normal shedding will occur year round, and will be visible on your clothes, sofa, and around the house, but will not generally be visible on the dog's body. If you do notice patches of fur missing, it is time for a trip to the vet.
Seasonal Shedding - Seasonal shedding occurs with some breeds, usually in the spring, but may also happen in the fall. Seasonal shedding occurs evenly across the whole body, and will happen every year on a cycle. This type of shedding is typical among cold weather breeds like Huskies. It is not something to be alarmed about - it is perfectly natural and can be managed through daily grooming with an undercoat rake like the Furminator.
Normal Shedding Patterns Most dogs shed throughout the year. Healthy dogs lose their undercoat consistently across their body, rather than in patches. Some breeds also experience a more intense form of seasonal shedding during the autumn and spring as daylight and temperatures fluctuate. The summer coat is lighter and the winter coat is thicker and heavier to protect the body from cooler weather. Most shedding occurs during the spring. This is usually when we start to notice pet hair accumulating on clothes and furniture.
Signs of Excessive Shedding Excess shedding can be difficult to manage as pet hair clings to furniture and upholstery. If your dog starts to lose hair in irregular patterns, you will want to keep an eye on the situation and determine if any changes to the immediate physical environment may have been a contributing factor. Occasionally inspect your dog and look for changes such as:
Noticeable bald patches
Clumps of hair found around the house
Excessive scratching
Areas where fur is brittle, dull, or dry and pulls out easily
Areas where hair has shed in an uneven manner or is much thinner than usual
Agitation if touched in or around the area where loss of fur has occurred
Evidence of open sores, rashes, bumps, scabs, or other skin irritations.
Fur Loss vs. Shedding Fur loss due to sickness is not really "shedding" per se, but rather loss of hair due to a factor other than the general rhythms of hair growth. In the case of adrenal diseases like Cushing's disease, illness-related traumas, or infections, you will likely see spotty or patchy hair loss, as opposed to more general shedding. In some cases, as with a hypothyroid dog, the hair loss will be symmetrical, but isolated to certain parts of the dog's body.
Troubling Hair Loss in Dogs Unusual hair loss is one of the best indications that there is an underlying health issue. If you notice any of the issues below, you should explore the reasons with your dog's vet.
Fur has become dry and brittle
Fur that breaks or falls out unevenly
Bald patches or clumps of lost hair
Hair loss accompanied by another skin problem
Dog is tender to the touch, or resists being touched where they are losing fur.
DOG DANDRUFF & DRY SKIN This article is proudly presented by WWW.ROYALCANIN.COM
Itching, scratching, flaky skin and white speckles in their coat - all signs your dog has dandruff. But what causes it and how can you prevent it? Dogs, just like humans, can suffer from dandruff. However, due to the amount of hair they have, dandruff can become a much more irritating condition for dogs than for us. It can even be an indicator of a bigger, underlying condition.
What is Dandruff in Dogs? Dandruff occurs in dogs when the sebaceous glands - those responsible for producing the oils which protect and nourish the skin - start to overproduce. The excess oil can irritate the skin and lead to flakiness and skin being shed in greater quantities than normal.
What are the Symptoms of Dog Dandruff? You will notice your dog's skin looks dry and possibly irritated or inflamed. There will be white specks hooked on their coat, which may come off on their bedding or on your clothes. Depending on the severity of the dandruff and the cause, you may also notice scabs, general hair loss, irregular bald patches, and some scratching or itching. Dog dandruff often appears in puppies, with medium and long-haired breeds at particular risk.
What causing Dandruff in my Dog? One of the most common causes of dog dandruff is a diet which does not include the necessary or highest-quality nutrients your dog needs to develop a healthy coat and skin. Essential fatty acids, like omega 3 and 6, are crucial for supporting your dog's skin and as dogs can not synthesise these internally, they have to be included in their diet. Similarly, protein is very important - your dog's skin and hair uses 30% of their daily protein intake to grow and develop, so highly-digestible and high-quality protein sources need to be part of what they eat. Vitamin A is also key, as it helps regulate the growth of skin cells and the production of sebum.
Dandruff in dogs can also be caused by their environment. Seasonal shedding is normal for many breeds of dog, but if their space is particularly warm or cold it can trigger reactions in their skin and interrupt its oil production, which can then lead to dandruff. For example, a particularly warm environment can dry out your dog's skin very quickly. Dandruff can also be a symptom of a parasitic infestation. Biting lice, sucking lice and the cheyletiella mite can all cause dandruff as they live in the fur and irritate the skin. This encourages your dog to scratch and their skin to react. The cheyletiella mite in particular causes skin to peel off in scales, which leads to itching, dandruff and even hair loss.
How can I solve my Dog's Dandruff Problem? If you notice your dog has ongoing dandruff, itching, scratching and other skin issues, it is essential you talk to a vet, although dandruff is common, your vet will want to rule out any other problem such as atopic dermatitis. They will conduct an examination and tests and provide you with the right treatment for your pet, which is particularly important in the case of parasites. You can also proactively manage dandruff in your dog by:
Keeping its environment at a comfortable temperature
Giving it a food which is rich in the nutrients it needs for healthy skin and hair
Using appropriate specialist shampoos - human shampoo is not suitable, as our skin is more acidic and therefore even gentle products can dry out your dog's skin
Talking to your vet about supplementing your dog's diet with cod liver oil or fish oil to boost their skin health.
The rate and amount of shedding seen with dogs can be influenced by several different conditions or circumstances. Some breeds may shed more than others, and aging dogs may lose more hair than they did when they are younger. An infestation of parasites, like fleas, lice or mites, can cause excessive hair loss. Ringworm, dermatitis and certain types of fungal infections, immune diseases and cancers can cause hair loss, too. Hormonal changes and allergies are another cause of shedding. Certain foods, medications, household cleaners and grooming supplies may trigger allergic reactions in dogs. Some of the common causes of hair loss and increased shedding can include:
What Triggers Dog Moulting? The dog's moulting is triggered by the length of daylight and the temperature. The more a dog stays outside, the more it will feel the changes and will react to them. On average, our winters are no longer as cold as they used to be. As a result, a winter coat is required for a shorter length of time, if at all. Some dogs shed hair more or less evenly all year round with some slight peaks. This not only applies to "house dogs", but often also to neutered male dogs. In contrast, female dogs often shed more hair before being on heat. The length and nature of the moulting process depend primarily on the breed, the coat structure and the age of the dog. On average, it lasts six to seven weeks.
1. Allergies Canine allergies of all sorts tend to show up on the skin, causing itching and swelling that can lead to your dog licking or scratching themselves raw. The constant agitation can cause hair to weaken and fall out and may lead to bald patches. Allergies can cause inflamed and itchy skin, which leads to scratching and more shedding. Look for other signs and symptoms such as: Red, watery eyes, Sneezing, Constant scratching, Itchy, red skin, Patches of fur missing, or scabs from scratching, Red, inflamed, or infected ears. Dog allergies can be environmental or food based, and you will need to consult with a vet to determine the exact cause.
2. Dietary Imbalance A poor quality diet can lead to a number of conditions that can contribute to poor skin and coat quality. Hair loss due to deficiencies in nutrition most often occurs all over the body and is frequently preceded by a dulling of the coat.
3. Hormonal Imbalance Certain thyroid imbalances, such as hypothyroidism and Cushing’s disease are known to cause loss of hair that tends to occur in clumps rather than all over the body. Imbalances in estrogen, testosterone, and progesterone can also contribute to the overall increases and decreases in shedding. Excessive shedding during pregnancy and lactation may also have a hormonal component.
4. Infections and Infestation Skin that has been damaged, or is kept moist for too long, may develop bacterial infections that can lead to loss of hair. Dogs who have lost hair due to skin infections may also have areas that are scratched and raw as well as a foul odor coming from the skin and fur. Infestation by parasites can take the form of mites, such as in mange, or it could be a sensitivity to the saliva in fleas.
5. Medications Some medications, such as long-term treatment with corticosteroids, are also known to cause hair loss. Most shedding and hair loss due to drugs is reversible once the medication is stopped.
6. Seasonal Shedding Many dogs will have a tendency to shed a great deal during the change of seasons when they are changing from summer to winter coats and back again. As the animal loses its seasonal coat, you will frequently see both an increase in standard shedding as well clumps of fluffy undercoat.
7. Stress Anxiety and stress can affect your pet in a number of ways including increases in heart rate, loss of appetite, and moody behavior. In some cases, it can also cause a temporary increase in the rate that the animal is shedding. Another stress symptoms might include: Avoidance, Aggression, Lethargy, Drooling or Panting, Pacing, Ears pinned back, Tail between legs, Destructive Behavior. You will have to find the source of their stress and remove it or help them feel comfortable again. Stress can be related to many different events: loud noises, overstimulation, unfamiliar places, introducing new pets or people into your home. It could also be pain or illness, perhaps a sprained bone, upset stomach, or disease.
8. Puppy Coat When your puppy begins their journey into life - nature equips them with a soft, fuzzy coat to keep them warm and protected. After about 4 months that puppy begins losing their coat to make room for their new adult coat, during which you can expect a big increase in shedding for at least a few weeks.
9. Neutered or Spayed Testosterone and other hormones can be partly responsible for keeping hair follicles strong and healthy. But major changes in hormones (such as being neutered) can cause changes in skin elasticity and hair follicles, resulting in major shedding for several months. However, coats generally return to their normal state over time.
10. New Shampoo or Soap When you bathe your dog, be sure to use only proven quality (better organic or natural) shampoos and soaps. You should consult your vet for further help with choosing the right shampoo for your dog's skin and coat.
11. Pest Bites Which can be addressed through monthly pest prevention.
12. Environment Something in the environment like a household cleaner, or a dog bed can cause the shedding.
13. Skin Conditions A variety of skin conditions can affect hair loss including mange, mites, dermatitis, ringworm, and bacterial or fungal infections. If hair loss is spotty and patchy, with rough or tender skin beneath, see a vet. Treating the skin condition will generally resolve the fur issue.
14. Temperature Seasonal changes can make dogs shedding.
15. Lifestyle Indoor vs Outdoor dogs shed differently.
16. Breeds Dogs of various breeds shed differently, also there are shedless bald dog breeds.
16. Dog Age Canine age influences shedding processes.
17. Pregnancy During dog pregnancy period shedding process being influenced either. Female dogs will often shed an extreme amount of fur during and shortly following pregnancy, with dogs after "blowing their coats" after birth. This is not an abnormal occurrence, so do not get too nervous if you see this happen!
18. Bathing & Brushing
19. Sunburn If your dog has been exposed to direct sunlight for a long time it can also cause the skin to shed off the hair and fur. This will typically only happen for dogs with short hair and or bright-colored hair. This type of skin is much more prone to get burned by the sun and you need to protect the dog from the direct sunlight. Dogs can also get sunburned under the belly as the sun reflects up from the ground. When the sunlight hits the bald part under the dog it can create burns that you might not notice at first. Sunburns can be really painful for the dog and you need to make sure he gets plenty of water and you can also try to let the dog rest on a wet towel. This might give some relief and take the dogs attention away from the pain. Bring the dog into the shade and make sure it does not stay out in direct sunlight for too long at the time. Take walks in the forest or somewhere else where trees will create cover from the sun and create shade. The dog will typically get will pretty quickly if it is not burned too badly. As soon as the skin returns to normal it should start growing hair again and the high level of shedding should stop. As always, when you are in doubt or if the sunburn this really bad you should take him to the vet immediately to get checked.
20. Cancer
21. Self-induced trauma due to licking
22. Anxiety Anxiety can trigger a number of health problems in humans, including hair loss. This is also true for canines. When your dog is nervous on a car ride or is fearful at the veterinarian's office, you may have noticed that they shed a lot. But why is this? When your dog is stressed, a release of epinephrine, also known as adrenaline - releases the hair. It is unclear why this occurs, but you can be sure that when your Fido or Princess gets a scare, the fur will indeed fly. Unfortunately, some dogs have chronic stress due to behavioral issues or situations that cause them to be fearful. This is especially noticeable in a shelter environment, for example. A change at home, such as an additional pet or a move, can also trigger stress.
23. Climate, Season or Weather Change Another factor that greatly affects how much a dog sheds is the climate and seasonal changes. If you have a double-coated dog, you know first hand that weather affects some dogs much more than others. During the spring and fall seasons, double-coated dogs shed what is known as their undercoat. In some breeds this amount of shedding can be extremely heavy. Again, this is where knowing your dog's normal shedding amount comes into play. Only by understanding what is typical for your dog to shed will pet owners be able to recognize when the hair loss becomes excessive. On the other hand, some dogs are not affected by seasonal changes at all, particularly if they are kept inside for the majority of the year. It is important for pet owners to take their climate into considering before deciding on what dog breed is best for them. If you vacation in a hot location or move to a different climate, particularly a warmer location, your dog will adjust to his new surroundings through shedding. A Chinese Crested will have to wear sweaters to keep their hairless body warm if they live in a cold climate.
24. To Grow New Fur... Just like humans, dogs have hair that is continuously growing. Shedding is the normal turnover of hair, allowing old or damaged hair to be replaced with new healthy strands which keeps your dog's coat in tip top condition.
26. Lack Of Fresh Air Ringworm is a fungus that causes hair loss in dogs.
25. Ringworm The cause of shedding here is not what you would suspect. But we had a hard time coming up with a more precise title than Lack of fresh air. Your dog does not need fresh air in order to keep the coat on but if it stays indoors most of the time it might not be able to detect whenever the seasons change. Dogs will naturally change their coat when the seasons change from winter to spring and from summer to fall. The problem here is that a dog that stays indoors all the time will not know went to change the winter coat into a thinner coat for the warm summer months.
This can cause the dog to start shedding constantly because the internal clock gets messed up. This typically happens when you have excessive use of air conditioning and heating around the dog. It is much better to get the dog out in the fresh air as often as possible so it can "detect" the season correctly. This is something the dog will know from instinct but when you keep them indoors all day long they will not be able to detect the changes in the amount of sunlight and heat. Take the dog out for a good long walk at least once every day. You would be surprised to know how many dogs that rarely see the light of the sun. Your dog was not born to stay indoors all day long. They need fresh air and open fields in order to thrive. When the dog falls back into a more normal rhythm it will start shedding more according to the standard shedding seasons for dogs.
Prevention of Shedding While it is not possible to stop dog shedding entirely, there are ways that you can manage your dog's moulting. Although your animal will likely always shed to some extent, normal shedding can be reduced by a number of different methods, and abnormal shedding can often be prevented by preventing the underlying condition. Abnormal amounts of hair loss may be due to disorders such as hypothyroidism and Cushing's disorder, which is generally caught earlier if the dog has been getting regular veterinary treatments as it may be caught during routine blood tests. Ensuring that the dog's skin is well maintained and microorganism free is paramount for avoiding unnatural amounts of shedding as skin that is too dry may trigger a great deal of hair loss and skin that remains too moist is put at risk for bacterial or fungal infection. This is a particular problem for dogs that have a thick undercoat which can hold moisture near the skin as it encourages the growth of bacteria or fungus.
It is also crucial to ensure that the patient's daily diet is suitable for their age, size, and breed and that there are no environmental factors leading to the loss. Canine bodies age as the dog gets older, and their nutrition requirements may change - in some cases, older animals may need to be switched to a senior food, specially designed to be more digestible for their systems. Normal shedding can be reduced by the use of Omega-3 treatments, vitamin supplementation, and regular, thorough washing and brushing to keep both the coat and the skin at their healthiest.
Slowing the Shedding Process Shedding is important for dogs so that new, healthy hair can grow. However, if your dog leaves much of his hair behind on your belongings, there are steps you can take to slow the shedding. Grooming your dog in your home will help remove hair before it can find its way into every nook and cranny. Brushing removes loose hair on your own terms. It is good for the hair, coat and the skin! Plus many dogs enjoy being brushed. Grooming your dog is a bonding experience too.
If possible, brush your dog daily. If not, make it a priority a few times a week. There are also de-shedding tools that can help remove the excess hair a little bit easier so you do not have to vacuum every hour. While bathing at home is fine, skin conditions can occur when a dog is not rinsed or dried properly. Professional groomers have experience with dogs of all sizes, and they have the proper tools and cleansers to match your dog's needs. Certain shampoos are good for your dog's skin and coat, which can make them healthier and result in less shedding.
Nutrition Plays an Important Role! - Nutrition is another big factor in your dog's overall health as well as his skin and coat health. Feeding a balanced nutrition can help keep his coat shiny and skin healthier, which can result in less shedding.
DOG SHEDDING SEASONS This article is proudly presented by WWW.ANIMALHOW.COM and WWW.PETHELPFUL.COM and WWW.VCAHOSPITALS.COM and Tammy Hunter and Cheryl Yuill Adrienne Farricelli and Morten Storgaard
Sometimes it feels like dogs are shedding all year round. This is sometimes the case, but when are the main shedding seasons? When Do Dogs Shed The Most? Dogs typically change their coat when winter turns to spring and again when summer turns to fall. They shed the summer coat for a warmer winter coat and vice versa. Many domesticated dogs shed all year round if they are kept indoors most of the time.
Spring Much shedding as the dog changes from a winter coat to a summer coat
Summer Least shedding
Fall Much shedding as the dog changes from a summer coat to a winter coat
Winter Moderate shedding as the coat is thicker
As you can see - you should expect most shedding from your dog around the springtime. This is simply because the fur from the winter coat is thick and furry and now it is time to let go of some of it in order to get a thinner summer coat. The reason they do this is that they generate a thicker coat for the cold winter months and during the summer they do not need as much insulation and fur. The hair from the winter coat will start to fall off when the sun starts to shine more and the days get longer. The dog might also react to warmer weather. These are the signs that tell the dog that it is time for a new coat and the shedding will start.
How Long Does The Shedding Season Last? It typically takes around 2 to 4 weeks for the double-coated dog to "blow" the undercoat, as it is called when they start shedding the winter coat for the summer coat. During this time you need to brush your dog every day. That is the best and the only way to make sure all the dog hair does not end up on your sofas and everywhere else inside your house. Some dogs will take longer time and other dog breeds would do it more quickly. This largely depends on how thick the coat is and how fast the dog reacts to the changing weather. It also depends on whether the dog has a double-layered coat or a single-layered coat.
It is a good idea to keep your dog out as much as the time doing this period of the year. This might seem obvious as you will have a lot of shedding going on. That there are other reasons why you also should do this. You can speed up the process and help the dog to adapt to the new season by letting it out more frequently and expose it to sunshine and the warm weather. By doing so, you will help this dog to understand that now it is time for warmer weather and it is time to shed some of that extensive fur that has been building up during the winter months.
Single-Coated Vs Double-Coated Dogs
Dogs with a single layer of fur / hair These dogs have one single layer of hair and as you can imagine this also means less shedding. They are easier to brush and you do not need special tools in order to grab the undercoat.
Dogs with double-coated fur / hair These are typically dog breeds that derive from colder regions. They have an extra layer of fur underneath the hair you can touch and feel. They need more grooming and attention to the fur and they will also shed more extensively. Especially in the main seasons during spring and fall when they change the thickness and fluffy-ness of the undercoat. If you have a double-coated dog you need special tools in order to groom it properly and to remove the excess hair. They simply produce a lot more hair and you need to grab that undercoat with a brush with longer teeth.
Both types of coats will shed more extensively during the spring and the fall. So we are just talking about a larger amount of shedding on the double-coated dogs.
When Do Dogs Shed the Least? Dogs normally shed the least during the summer period. This is because they have already shifted the winter coat in the spring so the new coat has grown out with a thinner layer for the warm weather. So, now we have a dog with a thin coat and it is not time just yet to let go of it in order to make room for the thicker winter coat. This is why we see the least amount of shedding among dogs during the summer. But you will never completely get rid of the shedding. Dogs will always shed more or less and especially when we are talking about dogs with thick coats or even double-layered coats. There is simply just no way to let go of the shedding and you will still need to brush the dog. But during the warm summer months, you can often get away with brushing the dog only a couple of times per week. This is a lot less than during the spring season where you should definitely brush the dog daily.
When Do Dogs Shed the Most? Outside Dogs - When dogs are left outdoors in the elements of Mother Nature, you should expect the winter coat to generally start shedding in spring around March and complete by June. Then, in the fall, the summer coat should start shedding usually around September and the process should complete by November.
Indoor Dogs - However, when dogs live inside the home, things may get tricky. Exposure to artificial interior lighting, heating during the winter and air conditioning during the summer, causes the dog's natural shedding cycle to get disrupted with the end result of more moderate shedding taking place year round.
How Much Do Dogs Shed Before Winter? Dogs will shed the most in the spring but they also shed the summer coat in the weeks leading up to the winter months. Dogs with thick coats can shed several handfuls of fur each day in the last weeks of the fall to make room for the thicker winter coat. Now you know that the winter coat has to go as soon as winter turns to spring. But what about the amount of shedding in the fall, how much shedding should be expected leading up to the winter season?
Because the summer coat is thinner and less puffy than the winter coat, the shedding just before winter is not as extensive as the shedding in the spring. You should expect to brush the dog often but the hair and the fur is thinner and more lightweight. That being said, you will need to have a daily brushing routine during the late fall as the fall turns to winter. The dog is making room for the thicker coat and this is especially true for the double-coated dogs. The double-coated dogs will start shedding quite extensively in the fall as well as in the spring. But remember, that domesticated dogs that live inside city apartments typically shed all year round. This is hard to avoid if they did not have regular access to open fields and sunshine.
Why Do My Dog Shed All Year Round? Even though the main shedding seasons are linked to the change of the main seasons and temperatures outside, there are other factors that come into play for domesticated dogs. Remember, the dogs used to live in nature as wild dogs. Among wild dogs, the fur and hair will automatically change along with the changing weather of the seasons. But this is not always the case with domesticated dogs that live most of their life indoors.
Extensive shedding can also be triggered by other factors such as indoor heating and the use of air conditioning. When the dogs are inside they will not detect whether the days are getting longer or when the temperatures start to drop or rise. This is not a problem for the dogs but it does mean that they will often start shedding all year round. Many people will turn on the air conditioner when the weather starts to warm up during the summer. This can cause the dog's system to be a little confusing and instead of shedding the winter coat it might keep it and renew the shedding in order to create new warm fur.
Dogs that Does Not Shed Seasonally On the other hand, there are certain breeds of dogs who do not blow their coats seasonally. These dogs are basically dropping hair year-round but, since it is in much smaller amounts, the hairs are noticed less. These dogs are always growing new hairs month after month, just like evergreen trees keep growing new leaves. Poodles, for instance, have the majority of their hair follicles in the anagen stage year-round, which causes their hairs to grow almost constantly, requiring routine clippings to control matting.
Skin or Coat Problems at Specific Times of the Year Some dogs may suffer from skin irritation related to dry winter conditions, particularly from lack of humidity in our homes. Other dogs that have allergies to pollens from trees, plants, or grass may develop skin problems during pollen season - this may occur in the spring with tree pollens, or during summer or fall for plant pollen allergies. Some dogs are allergic to fleas or other biting insects and can develop a rash or patchy hair loss with even a single insect bite. If you bathe or groom your dog and the skin or coat problem returns quickly, you should bring him or her to your veterinary clinic for an examination.
Sometimes, skin problems such as excessive dandruff, doggy odor, a greasy coat, or excessive shedding can indicate a more serious underlying problem. Sometimes this problem will be easy to diagnose and treat, but occasionally, the underlying disorder can present a diagnostic challenge and might even require referral to a dermatologist.
Once the underlying problem is diagnosed, the appropriate treatment can be prescribed to control your dog's symptoms. Your take home message is that your dog's general coat appearance may be the first indicator of health problems. A healthy dog will not shed excessively and will have a shiny coat that is free from dandruff or greasiness. Before reaching for the bottle of shampoo, think about whether that lackluster coat could be telling you something else.
21 EFFECTIVE TIPS TO DECREASE DOG SHEDDING This article is proudly presented by Dr. Laurel
As you may have suspected, there are no cures for shedding. Oh, bah humbug, you say? Since shedding is a healthy and natural process, let's review some valuable working and effective tips to possibly decrease the shedding of mass quantities of hair and fur:
1 - Take your love bug to your veterinarian to rule out a possible underlying medical cause.
2 - Consider regular grooming, so you can control when they will "lose" the hair. Put a reminder for yourself on your calendar.
3 - If you are using a wire brush or curry brush, make the session a positive experience.
4 - Pair the brushing with a treat!
5 - Start at the head, and work your way down her back.
6 - Every bit of hair and fur you collect on a brush is one less bit fluffing up the environment!
7 - They love the extra attention.
8 - Brush first, then de-shed, using a shedding rake/de-shedding comb that has a small razor blade to help with matts and thinning of the hair.
9 - Use a metal-tined flea comb on the shorter-coated dogs. This can be a bit more intense, so go slow. You will have a grand harvest of fuzz!
10 - Feed high quality, highly digestible protein. Hair is primarily protein. You want the hair to stay in a long time, not die and fall out.
11 - Vary the diet: not just a good, low to no carbohydrate kibble, but get some real foods involved. Of course, a gradual shift to "real" food would also be wonderful. Your local holistic veterinarian can be a great resource for ideas and customized recommendations for your particular animal.
12 - Rotate diet so Fido is not eating the same protein or brand of food all the time.
13 - Supplement with additional essential fatty acids: Fish oils are the primary source of Omega 3 Fatty acids, however, there is a concern about mercury. There are some mercury-free fish oils that are available at this time. Flax oil is almost as good. Both of these essential fatty acids can decrease allergic symptoms and inflammation. Flax oil can be given at 1,000 mg per 10 pounds of body weight. The total dose amount can be divided into halves and given twice per day.
14 - Use coconut oil in their food or even rub into your dog's coat. Coconut oil is naturally antibacterial and antifungal, and it is a most excellent moisturizer.
15 - Curcuminoids, chemical compounds found in turmeric, can be given for underlying allergies and inflammation. The daily recommended dose is at 100mg per every 10 pounds per body weight. If given twice per day, total amount can be divided into halves.
16 - Regular bathing with a soothing pH-balanced mild oatmeal shampoo. The act of bathing will loosen the hairs.
17 - Follow with a conditioner of the same type.
18 - Add in B vitamins to the diet. Visit your local holistic veterinarian for ideas and dosage information.
19 - Antioxidants, vitamin A and vitamin C are great anti-inflammatory supplements.
20 - Molasses is high in B vitamins and iron. Both of these are wonderful for your dog-friend's skin.
21 - Be sure your dog has enough moisture. He needs hydration from intaking clean water. One of my pet peeves is feeding dry kibble. Do not do that to your dog! Add water or broth to dry kibble, and allow it to sit for 15 to 20 minutes so it is soft. Also, canned food and homemade food will have plenty of moisture. In the winter, consider an air humidifier for your whole family!
Shedding is a natural process for a healthy dog. So, although you cannot stop dog hair shedding, it can be controlled.
1. Regular Brushing Give your dog a vigorous brushing every day. Use a rubber bathing glove for dogs with sensitive skin. There are different varieties of brushes and dog hair removal devices. Ensure that you use a suitable one for optimal results. Regular brushing is essential to remove excess and loose fur and spread healthy skin oils, resulting in a glossy coat. There are different types of dog brushes; depending on your dog's fur type, you can use a bristle brush, slicker brush, or a rake. Do not forget to use the best stick vacuum for pet hair to clean the fur.
Bristle Brushes - are best for short-haired, smooth-coated dog breeds such as Terriers, and Pugs.
Slicker Brushes - are best for medium or curly hair dog breeds such as Retrievers and Cocker Spaniels.
Rakes - are best for long hair, thick undercoat dog breeds such as Collies and German Shepherds.
2. Use a De-shedding tool An excellent device for removing loose dog hair from the animal, a de-shedding tool is something that will reduce the quantity of dog hair flying about your home.
3. Early Removal Newly-deposited dog hair is more comfortable to remove from furniture than hair that has got embedded deeply into the upholstery. This regular activity will keep you fit as well!
4. Regular Bathing Regular baths especially during the summer months with a recommended dog shampoo will retain the glossiness of your dog's coat and keep the skin free from irritation. Interestingly, the maximum amount of shedding occurs just after a bath, hence ensure that you give your dog a brisk brush immediately after a bath. Regular bathing is useful to keep the loose hair fall out in the tube instead of on your furniture or car. However, it is important to research or ask your veterinarian first to learn the suggested bathing schedule for your dog's breed since over-bathing leads to dry skin, which causes fur to fall out even further. Be sure to brush your dog thoroughly before bath. Before bathing your dog, towel-dry him, and then blow-dry his coat using the lowest heat setting available. As your dog's coat becomes drier, you can brush your dog to help remove the loose hair as you dry.
Keep brushing and drying until your dog is no longer damp. Brush After Bathing! Do not forget to brush after bath time. In fact, this may be the most important time for you to give your dog a good brushing. During a bath, you have loosened up a lot of hair that may be on the cusp of coming off. After your dog is dry, a good brushing is a great way to clear that loose hair and to ensure it does not end up all over your house.
Do not Forget to Dry: Bath time is ideal for good drying. Using a designated pet dryer with the right attachments can help remove excess fur and hair, and it ensures that hair won't find its way onto your furniture, clothing or floor. You do not want to use just a normal household hair dryer.
5. Balanced Diet Feed a High-Quality Diet! Better quality dog foods cost a bit more for better reasons. The nutrients in meat-rich dog foods promote better health and help control shedding and dry skin.Feed your dog recommended dog foods, the right quantity and at the right time every day.
Add Fish Oils or Olive Oils - Fish oils and olive oils contain omega-3 fatty acids that are beneficial to reduce inflamed skin, decrease dandruff, and improve overall coat condition. The recommended dosage to give is one teaspoon (5 mL) per 10 pounds of body weight.
Give Your Dog Moisture-Rich Foods - Occasionally, providing moisture-rich foods such as sliced apples, bananas, and cucumbers help to keep your dog stay hydrated. They also contain healthy nutrients that help your dog's coat stay smooth and shiny and help reduce shedding.
6. Fatty Acid Supplement Add a natural fatty acid supplement like Purethenic Naturals products to your dog's daily food. By assuring your dog or cat has optimal levels of EFAs in the diet, you can reduce shedding and dander associated with EFA deficiency. Adding coconut oil has also proven to help reduce dander and shedding. Homemade Coconut Oil Spray: If you choose to spray it unto the dog you simply take 1 or 2 tablespoons of coconut oil and mix it with water in a bottle.
You can get a spray bottle and most pharmacy stores or pet stores. Now you just give the bottle a good shake because the two elements do not mix well together. Coconut and oil will not dissolve. After you have shaken it well you just spray it directly onto the fur. You can also feed the dog 1 tablespoon of coconut oil through the mouth. When you do this you need to make sure not to feed it too much coconut oil because we need to make sure its stomach can handle the oil. Give it a little bit of coconut oil first and weighed a day or two to check that the dog's stomach handles it well.
7. Control Itching and Scratching Dry skin will likely cause excessive shedding. Dandruff won't just irritate the skin of the pooch, it can also cause a number of other health issues if not addressed early on. Be careful on home remedies for dog shedding too as it might aggravate the hair fall. Keep allergies and fleas at bay by treating your dog with anti-flea remedies.
Control Fleas! Fleas are the cause of many dogs' skin problems. Keeping your dog free of fleas will prevent excessive shedding. Some of the most popular solutions to control fleas are natural flea remedies, flea collars, flea powders, flea shampoos, and topical treatments.
8. Clean Fresh Water Give your dog clean, fresh water as much as he wants to drink. Lacking clean, fresh water can lead to dry skin, which can cause excessive shedding and illness. Adding clean, fresh water together with moisture-rich foods into your dog's diet can increase the water intake for your dog that helps your dog stays hydrated.
9. Keep them Calm! Illness or stress, especially if it is chronic or long-standing, will affect the appearance of your dog's coat. Just like humans, dogs get stressed. And just like in our bodies, emotional responses are powerful and can manifest physically in your dog's body. If there is been a big change in your home environment, your dog's excessive shedding could be a reaction to stress. Have you recently moved homes? Has a family member passed away or moved out?
Maybe there is been a higher than normal level of conflict in your household? Dogs are sensitive to all these things. If you suspect your dog may be losing their hair due to stress, do everything you can to provide a normal, predictable daily routine for them. Walk them at the same time each day, avoid switching up their food or mealtimes, and as much as possible, do what they likely expect to be coming next. When dogs are stressed they tend to shed more. To keep their stress levels down, establish a routine which works for your both when they are young or new to you, and keep routine changes to a minimum.
10. Animal-Free Room Set aside an animal-free room: It's always best to create a space in your home where the animals are not allowed. This way, if your allergies start to act up and you just need a break from the dander, you can spend some time in a space with less dander until your symptoms recede.
11. HEPA Air Filter Install an air filter: Installing a HEPA air filter can help reduce the number of allergens and contaminants in the air inside your home. Some models are recommended specifically for pet dander. It is a great addition to any home with dogs, allergies or not. Purchase a good quality air purifier for your home.
12. Rugs & Soft Surfaces Remove rugs and soft surfaces: Pet dander gets trapped in rugs, carpets and other soft surfaces. Removing these types of materials from any areas where your pets are allowed is a good way to control the amount of dander in the room. If you like the look of your rug or carpeting, consider vacuuming more often than you normally would. Tile or wood floors are much easier to clean of dog allergens.
13. Home & Car Cleaning Clean your home frequently and thoroughly, including any surfaces that trap pet hair and dander like couch covers, pillows and pet beds. This will also help control other allergens in your home that could be contributing to the allergic load of family members. Wash bedding frequently in hot water. If your pet rides in the car with you, consider using washable seat covers.
14. Omega-3 and Omega-6 Suppliments It is important to remember that these supplements do not work immediately. It can take 3 to 4 months to see visible results. Remember to discuss the correct dosage with your veterinarian because it is possible to cause problems by giving too much.
Omega 6 Fatty Acids: These fatty acids are most commonly found in your dog's diet. They are essential for good coat quality and if your dog does not get enough of these in his food, his coat may suffer. It is usually unnecessary to supplement Omega 6 Fatty Acids because of the high amount in dog food and treats.
Omega 3 Fatty Acids: This is the most common supplement to boost coat quality. These supplements are usually derived from fish oils and are highly palatable. Look for pharmaceutical quality supplements, like Ascenta. Omega 3 fatty acids also support joint, heart, and immune health.
15. Vacuum Your Dog! With positive training methods, you may be able to train your dog to allow vacuuming. Do this after your weekly brushing to remove loose hairs and dander. You can even grab a dog vacuum brush that can be attached to your home vacuum, allowing for easy, mess-free grooming. Purchase a home vacuum specifically designed to pick up pet hair. You will see immense results when compared to your conventional vacuum, as vacuums designed to pick up pet hair tend to be more powerful and heavy duty than most.
16. Regularly Exercise Your Dog Regular exercise is super important for you dog's health, and will definitely help with shedding. It goes without saying that a healthy dog will have a healthier coat, but this can also reduce stress. Your dog is less likely to be self destructive, biting and scratching, if he is well exercised. A brisk walk each day is a good goal to aim for and can make the world of difference.
17. Consider clipping If you live in a warm climate, or have hot summers, and your dog has a thick, profuse coat that sheds often, consider having him clipped. Take him to a professional groomer and request that his coat be shortened, which will reduce the amount of hair that falls out on its own.
18. Coconut Oil Coconut oil is one of few foods that can be categorized as a "superfood." Coconut oil has a plethora of benefits that are beneficial both to humans and pets. Coconut oil can help aid your pets' digestion, help flea allergies, reduce allergic reactions, improve and create sleek, glossy coats, prevent infection and much more. Now the question is how much coconut oil you should give to your dog? When starting your dog on coconut oil, it is important to start slowly in the beginning. Give 1/4 teaspoon per day for small dogs and for large dogs you can give 1 teaspoon per day. As the dogs' body has adjusted, you can increase the intake to about 1 teaspoon per 10 pounds of body weight daily.
19. Flaxseed Oil Flaxseed oil is an excellent natural treatment to improve the coat and skin conditions of some pets. Add a small amount of flaxseed oil to your dog's diet, and after a few weeks, you should see the change in your dog's shed.
20. Fish Oil Fish oil contains EPA and DHA and omega-3 fatty acids that can help to treat many health problems in dogs. Veterinarians use fish oil to treat dog allergies and a wide variety of conditions ranging from kidney disease to arthritis. Fish oil can also help reduce excessive shedding by relieving itching due to an allergy-related skin condition. How much fish oil you should give to your dog? As a general rule, you should give 1,000 mg per 30 pounds of body weight. As for combatting more serious health problems, you can up the dosage to a maximum 1,000 mg per 10 pounds of body weight.
21. Molasses Consider adding molasses to food! Some pet owners swear by the efficiency of molasses as one of the home remedies for dog shedding. It can reduce the hair fall, as paw-rents say. Molasses are similar to honey and if you choose an organic one, it should be safe for your dogs. Prefer the dark one too, since light colored molasses have very high sugar content. Practice moderation when feeding your dog with molasses. Adding about one tablespoon on your dog's meal will be enough. As much as this is relatively safe, a nod from your vet will be excellent. Some pet owners swear by the efficiency of molasses as one of the home remedies for dog shedding. It can reduce the hair fall, as paw-rents say. Molasses are similar to honey and if you choose an organic one, it should be safe for your dogs. Prefer the dark one too, since light colored molasses have very high sugar content. Practice moderation when feeding your dog with molasses. Adding about one tablespoon on your dogโs meal will be enough. As much as this is relatively safe, a nod from your vet will be excellent.
22. Dog Hair Trimming Some popular dog breeds such as Poodle and Shih Tzu have a faster hair growth process. They need regular haircuts in every 2-4 weeks. Trimming their hair on a regular basis will help to reduce the excessive shedding. You can groom their hair by yourself or you can take them to a professional as well.
23. De-Shedding Shampoo These fatty acids are essential for the dog. There are also special types of shampoo that will remove bad smell and odors from your dog. It is important to shower your dog regularly in order to limit the amount of shedding. Washing your dog regularly does limit the shedding because it keeps the fur clean and healthy while it gets rid of much of the hair. Using the Wrong Shampoo can make the dog shed. Rinsing is very important and when you think you are done, rinse again! Check the FURminator De-Sheding Dog Shampoo.
24. The Oatmeal If you observe your dog scratching a lot and suffering from itchiness, treat him with oatmeal. Prepare a warm bath of water with 1 cup of colloidal oatmeal powder and let him soak in the bath for 6 to 10 minutes. Do this daily until the itchiness goes away.
25. The Yogurt A yeast infection can also cause shedding in dogs. To treat this, give him a small amount of plain yogurt as a snack regularly. This will not only help cure the yeast infection but your pet will also benefit from the nutrients that yogurt contains.
26. The Vinegar Another ingredient proven effective to fight yeast infection in canines is vinegar. Aside from fighting yeast infection, vinegar is also an excellent remedy for a lot of skin problems in dogs.
27. Vitamin E Vitamin E is good for human health but can also be beneficial to canines, especially their skin health. Apply Vitamin E directly to your dog's coat to help fight dry skin and excessive shedding.
28. Dematting The dog's hair should be dry before you start the brushing process. Before the dog deshedding treatment using a grooming brush, it is essential to remove mats from your dog hair. Brushing mats can be painful for your pet. As a pet owner, gentleness, and compassion during the deshedding provide a bonding avenue for you. Patience is key to a successful deshedding process. Isolate the mat and hold it separately from the rest of the fur, spray safe pet coat detangling animal hair products. Work through it using your fingers. Use a dematting tool gently to untangle the hair on the mat edges. Do not brush or pull. Slow is the pace, and picking is the motion.
29. Regular Vet Checkups A regular visit to your veterinarian is essential to help identify problems early and provide more effective treatment. It is recommended to bring your dog for a regular checkup at least once a month.
Unless you have a dog with hair that must be trimmed periodically, or you have a hairless breed, you deal with shedding. All dogs with fur shed, some more than others. Each breed's coat is unique, but when it comes to shedding, there are essentially three types of coat, and ways of preventing shedding.
Short Single Coats Short single coats continuously shed stiff hairs that have a tendency to interweave with fabric and carpet and seem almost impossible to remove. Breeds with such coats include boxers, dachshunds, Dalmatians, and Dobermans. There is no way to completely prevent shedding but giving your dog a brisk brush down outside with a stiff boar bristle brush every day will help release shed hair outside where you want it instead of inside. Brush in quick light strokes from the head down to the tail, down each leg, and gently under the belly. Brush especially well around the ruff and down the back, where hair tends to grow thicker. Some coats respond well to being brushed against the grain of the hair as well, but if this irritates your dog just go with the coat.
To keep shedding to a minimum, wash weekly and rub the coat in small circles with a rubber brush with blunt nubs to release as much hair as possible. Towel dry vigorously to release even more hair. If your dog is still prone to shedding inside and when being pet, try wrapping small dogs in a towel or blanket instead of letting them rest on your clothes or couch. Encourage large dogs to lie on a blanket that can be washed, instead of on the couch fabric or carpet. Most dogs prefer to have their own blanket anyways and will respond well to training. To get out the hairs that remain, use a vacuum with a fabric fixture in short strokes, rubbing in every direction. A lint roller applied in short strokes will remove what stubborn hair remain interwoven.
Short to Medium Double Coats Short to medium double coats shed both stiff guard hairs and softer undercoat. Examples of this coat type are Rottweilers, Shiba Inus and Labradors. These dogs will more or less shed twice as much as dogs with single coats, and their shedding tends to be seasonal as well as continuous, as they release their winter coat for a thinner summer coat. Dogs with short and medium double coats benefit from daily or several times a day brushing with a short slicker brush. The brush should be able to be applied with some pressure, and your dog should enjoy and lean into the pressure. If your dog is made uncomfortable by the slicker brush, try a shorter wire length.
The self-cleaning slickers with which you can push the hair up and remove it easily are worth the extra cost. If you want to experiment with brushes that advertise they "thin" coats, be careful that they will not strip your dog of the invaluable double layer that protects her from UV damage, as well as bad weather. Soft undercoat hair can be loosened from carpet or furniture with a clean slicker brush or bristle brush, brushed in quick upward strokes. Follow with a vacuum to lift hair once it has been loosened, moving in all directions to free and remove the stiff guard hairs. Double coated dogs seem to shed more undercoat than guard hairs, so you will have less cleanup to do with the lint roller than with single coated dogs.
Long Double Coats Long double coated dogs include dogs with feathering, like spaniels, golden retrievers, and afghans. Spitz type dogs like Huskies, Pomeranians, and Chow Chows also fall into this category. All long double coated dogs are prone to matting, which is very uncomfortable for your dog and renders useless the weather resistant attributes of the coat. To remove loose hair and prevent matting, double coated dogs should be brushed daily with a pin brush to remove all matts and to detangle the hair. Follow with a long wire slicker brush, adjusting the length until your dog enjoys leaning into the brush. Pay special attention to feathering at the back of the legs, and do not neglect the belly and tail. Many dogs dislike having their tails brushed. You can trim the tail short or acclimate your dog to having her tail brushed with treats and patience.
To keep that thick lush undercoat off your carpet, keep brushing until the brush is coming up almost empty. During some parts of the year, this can be an hour long ritual. Luckily most dogs love being brushed, and it is not unusual to find that your dog will bring you her slicker brush when the loose hairs in her undercoat begin to itch and irritate her. Long haired dogs tend to catch much of their shedding hair in their own coat, and with regular brushing you may not see too much on your carpet. Get long hairs out of carpet and furniture by loosening with a brush first, then vacuuming. The long undercoat tends to turn into fur balls that float around the house and are relatively easy to contain with frequent vacuuming.
Wire Haired Dogs with wiry coats like the Wire Fox Terrier, Schnauzer, and Wolfhound benefit from being stripped. Stripping can be done twice yearly, or it can be done continuously throughout the year. A stripping knife can be used, or you can do it by hand. The process involves pulling old, dying guard hair follicles to allow for new growth. Dogs accustomed to being stripped enjoy the process, and often fall asleep during long sessions. It can take some practice to master which hairs should be pulled and at what angle, so you may want to ask a professional groomer to allow you to observe at first. If kept well stripped, wire haired dogs shed very little if at all. Stripping is better than clipping for wiry dogs, as it allows for new growth and retains the hard-guarded tips that clipping removes. When kept well stripped, wiry dogs will only need a bristle brushing daily to brush off dirt and the stray loose hair.
Grooming Tips It is best to acclimate your puppy early to the kind of grooming she will be receiving throughout her life. If you obtained your dog at an older age and she has not been kept well-groomed, it may take time to adjust her to the tools and handling you will need to use. Go slowly and reward enthusiastically and she will adjust in time. Grooming should be a pleasant, relaxing experience for you and your dog. It is a good idea to break long grooming sessions into several periods, with play and rest in between, so that your dog does not become exhausted and you do not become frustrated. Grooming is a wonderful way to build trust with you dog, as long as it is done gently and carefully.
BATHE YOUR DOG This article is proudly presented by WWW.PAWSHAKE.CO.UK and WWW.TAILS.COM and WWW.VCAHOSPITALS.COM and Tammy Hunter and Cheryl Yuill and Katy
During the moulting period, bathing can provide a bit of relief for some dogs. The running water and the use of a neutral dog shampoo can loosen some of the dead hair. Afterwards, blow dry the coat with a dryer to prevent the fur from tangling. You can do this 1-2 times during the moulting period. Dogs with a short or silky coat do not need to be shampooed unless they are really dirty after swimming in a stinky pool or rolling in smelly stuff. Too much washing can disturb the natural balance of the skin and coat.
Furthermore: A healthy dog has a healthy coat, that is why a healthy and balanced diet is always important - especially during the moulting season. Does your dog lose a lot of hair outside the season? Do you see irritation, itching, bald spots or other discomforts with your dog? Then there may be another underlying health problem such as stress, an infection or vitamin deficiency. Speaking of shampoos and conditioners, a warm bath with these products can help speed up the shedding and dislodge the excess hair so you can brush it out before it spreads all over the place. Be sure to visit your vet.
Most dogs require bathing on an occasional basis usually when their coat becomes dirty or when they develop a "doggy odor". Non-shedding breeds that have no health issues usually need to be bathed about every six to eight weeks, at the time of their regular grooming. Dogs that have a heavy undercoat will benefit from bathing in the spring or fall, when they are undergoing their seasonal shedding. Most dogs require bathing on an occasional basis, usually when their coat becomes dirty or when they develop a doggy odor. How often your individual dog needs to be bathed will vary somewhat with his age, lifestyle, type of hair coat, and underlying health status.
If you have a young puppy that is just being house trained and he accidentally soils himself, there is no question that he should be bathed immediately. A dog that enjoys running through puddles or jumping into water may need a bath after a stroll through the mud or a romp in a dirty pond. Some dogs enjoy rubbing their head in decomposing debris in the park, or rolling in objectionable objects, and will need a bath to be allowed back into the house! Finally, if your dog has allergies, your veterinarian may prescribe frequent bathing as part of the treatment regime - with some of these dogs, daily bathing may be necessary until the problem is under control.
Dogs should only be bathed with a shampoo that is formulated for use on dogs - their skin has a different thickness and pH (acidity) than human skin. Human shampoo, including baby shampoo, is far too harsh for their skin. For regular bathing, a hypoallergenic shampoo without any added perfumes is the best choice. For optimum results, a conditioning product should be applied afterwards to restore any lost moisture to the skin and minimize the development of dandruff after the bath. If you find that your dog requires frequent bathing, discuss this with your veterinarian, who may recommend the use of a special shampoo, conditioning rinse, or "dry shampoo" to prevent skin problems associated with the repeated baths.
There is no way to stop your dog shedding or moulting, but regular grooming and brushing of the coat can help keep it under control - making sure the hair is collected onto a brush rather than left all over your home. Dogs have two main types of coats. The first is the top coat, or sometimes called guard hairs, which are longer, coarser hairs that offer camouflage, repel water, block sunlight, and reduce severity of cuts or scratches.
The second is the undercoat - also called down hair, which is a layer of hair that is wavy or curly, shorter and provides thermoregulation. Basically your dog's undercoat acts like thermos - keeps your dog warm in the winter and cool in the summer. It is important to know which sort of coat your dog has so you can find the correct way to groom them:
Smooth Coat - short, close to the body and requires minimal grooming. Breeds with smooth coats include the dachshund, doberman and bull terrier.
Double Coat - a thick coat hidden under a thinner top coat. Double-coated dogs require fairly regular brushing to remove the moulting undercoat. Breeds include husky, German shepherd and chow-chow.
Wire Coat - a rough, harsh top coat with a soft coat underneath. They can be quite susceptible to matting and tangling so also need regular grooming. Breeds include most terriers and schnauzers.
Wool - fluffy and curly, a wool coat grows quickly, mats easily and sheds less, so requires lots of regular, even daily, grooming. Breeds include poodle and bichon frise.
Long Coat - this is the most susceptible to matting and tangling which can be painful for your dog. Requires the most regular grooming, both brushing and washing. Breeds include Yorkshire terrier, shih tzu and Afghan hound.
Combination Coat - due to the increased number of mixed breeds, combination coats are much more prevalent and might include elements of different coats. Common breeds include labradoodle and cockapoo.
COAT LENGTH Long - Any dog with fur over two inches in length is typically considered longhaired. Dogs with long fur tend to shed less than other lengths, but grooming is still especially important for these dogs, as their long hair can tangle or mat, which can lead to dangerous skin conditions.
Short - Shorthaired dogs actually shed just as much, or in some cases even more, than longhaired ones do, as their coat is continuously growing.
Medium - Dogs with medium coats fall somewhere between long and shorthaired dogs โ with fur that is typically about an inch long โ and they shed about the same as longhaired dogs, requiring a moderate amount of brushing to stop mats from forming.
Hairless - A dog with no hair obviously wonโt shed, but their sensitive skin still requires extra care to be kept moisturized and healthy.
COAT TEXTURE Smooth - These are shorthaired dogs with fur that is close to the body. This coat type tends to be high shedding.
Wire - Wire coats have a dense undercoat that sheds seasonally, while the longer guard coat needs to be properly maintained to avoid mats and tangles.
Wavy / Curly - As the name suggests, curly-coated dogs have thick curls that often rest close to the body. This type of fur tends to shed the least in comparison to other types, but they do require a lot of attention to maintain.
Corded - Although not prevalent, some dogs have fur that naturally cords itself into patches of fur. Dogs with this fur type shed very little.
What is De-shedding? De shedding is the physical removal of a dog's loose undercoat. The idea is to remove the hair before it lands on your furniture and clothes, but it also makes your dog more comfortable. Groomers use multiple tools and methods to de-shed dogs depending on their coat type. Unfortunately, while de-shedding is beneficial and significantly reduces the amount of hair on your dog, it does not stop the shedding process. Many owners are miffed when their dog keeps shedding after a de-shedding.
But as you can see from the images in this post, LOTS of hair is removed so while it is impossible to clear out 100% of lose fur, or fur that was not ready to shed yet, you will see a big improvement. The cost of de-shedding varies and is usually based on time. For larger breed dogs, it can take up to 2 hours to de-shed an undercoat. Once the groomer is finished, there is usually a dog sized pile of fur left behind. De-shedding should be done regularly, and once you are on a good schedule, the effects will be more noticeable.
Brushing vs De-shedding Brushing your dog's fur manages their top coat and removes dander and debris. While brushing your dog is vital to their health, it does not do the same job as de-shedding. De-shedding is to go in and remove the loose undercoat that dogs eventually lose naturally, whether all over your couch or in your backyard. If you want to de-shed your dog at home, you need to find brushes designed to get to the undercoat. De-shedding tools, like the Furminator, are combs that reach through the top coat and pull out the undercoat. Other tools include de-shedding blades, which look intimidating, but are relatively easy to use. However, these can only be used on dogs with plush or medium length coats. Rubber brushes and bristle brushes loosen top coats. Best de-shedding brushes.
There are so many benefits of de-shedding for both you and for your dog. The core benefit is that it facilitates the natural shedding process. While it can not take all of the under coat, it can keep your house form becoming coated in fur. It also draws out natural oils produced by dog's skin and fur and prevents painful matting and hot spots. Overall, it makes your dog healthier and happier. The best way to keep your double coated dog cool in the warm weather is to regularly de-shed the undercoat so the fur can act as an insulator. Brushing alone does not get all the undercoat out. De-shedding is an effective way to give your dog a healthier, more beautiful coat. Plus your pet will be so much happier without the extra hair weighing them down and you will be happier not having clumps of hair all over your house.
HOW TO BRUSH Regular brushing removes the excess hair and, especially during the moulting period, brushing can give the dog some relief of itchy hairs. For short and smooth-haired dogs, it is better to be a little reluctant with the brushing though. Outside the moulting season, brushing is hardly necessary. Too much brushing can cause skin damage. Make sure to always choose the right dog brush. For dogs with a shorter coat, use a soft brush, such as a rubber brush or a bristle brush. For dogs with a longer, wired coat you can use a comb or slicker brush. Do not press too hard in the fur so you do not irritate the skin. To prevent tangling it is important to take extra care:
Around the Ears At the Nose At the Mouth In the Armpits Under the Tail Around the Soles of the Feet and between the Toes
Are you hiring a dog sitter for an overnight stay or for doggy daycare? Then tell your sitter about the type of coat of your dog and give your sitter the right dog brush. Make clear arrangements with your dog sitter so that he or she knows what is best for your dog's fur.
Never Shave Your Dog! Despite preconceived notions, shaving does not prevent shedding or keep your dog cool. It also creates a myriad of other issues for your dog. As we mentioned above, there are good reasons for your dog's coat layers, and when you shave them, it reduces the insulating effect and exposes your dog to harmful sun rays. It also will permanently damage the fur - it will grow back too coarse or too fluffy, thin or patchy. This "solution" probably crossed your mind after tireless days of vacuuming and brushing the hair off your kitchen corners.
Some pet owners do this during summer to keep their doggos cool. However, you should stir clear of shaving if you have a double coated dog breed. It may look like you have gotten away with the pesky shedding fur, but it will only make a big disservice to your pooch's health. Double coated dogs have two layers of fur: an undercoat with short hairs and the topcoat with a thicker and fluffier characteristic. Some of the double coated dog breeds are Siberian Husky, Golden Retriever, and Shiba Inu. Shaving these dogs will damage their fur for good which spells trouble during colder months. Even if you want to limit the shedding, this should not be a choice.
Choosing the right brush can help in your grooming process, especially if your dog sheds frequently.
For dogs with shorter coats: You can do a fine job of loosening dead hair and setting it free with a natural-bristle brush or even a hound mitt or glove with bristles on the palm.First brush the coat in the opposite direction of hair growth, to pull dead hair out, then brush in the direction of hair growth to remove it. Repeat this process a few times to get out all the hair and to distribute the natural oils from the skin all over the coat. If using a hound mitt or glove, massage the coat in a circular motion to loosen hair, then "brush" in the direction of hair growth. Repeat a few times, especially when shedding is heavy.
For dogs with longer coats Especially for double-coated dogs - the ones with a downy undercoat beneath a harder outer coat, you need a tool that can reach down under that outer coat to grab the downy undercoat and pull out the dead hairs. Slicker brushes are excellent tools for such dogs. Go over the coat in both directions a few times, until you are pulling out less and less hair from the brush. When shedding really picks up, especially with the double-coated breeds, switch over to a coat rake or shedding tool. They all work a little differently, but basically, you pull the tool along the coat in the direction of hair growth, then pull up and away. For shedding tools with blades, do not press too hard. If you run across any tangles or mats, pick these out with a steel comb or use a mat splitter.
Grooming Slicker Brush for Dogs A slicker brush for dogs has fine wire bristles that sit on a flat or slightly curved base. The bristles are often angled or have protective nubs to prevent damage to the skin. Choose a slicker brush for your dog to remove knots in long, medium or curly fur. The slicker brush is also effective at removing loose hair and undercoat. It can be used on short hair however extra caution must be taken not to scratch your dog's skin. You must also be careful with long fur as vigorous use can cause damage to the hair.
Grooming Undercoat Rake for Dogs Some dogs such as Huskies, Pomeranians and Samoyeds shed in clumps. A dog undercoat rake will allow you to effectively remove this loose fur quickly. The wide set teeth pass through the topcoat of hair and pull out the dead undercoat hair. Getting rid of this hair helps to prevent matting and reduces clumps of hair seen around your home. You must use even pressure and avoid pressing too hard as it could hurt your dog's skin.
Grooming Flea Comb for Dogs A flea comb is a natural flea treatment method that helps get rid of fleas, flea dirt and eggs. The teeth are extremely close together so that fleas and debris are pulled out of the fur. Due to the fine teeth it is easiest to use on smooth, silky and wiry coats. It is easy to learn how to use a flea comb: Simply pass it through your dog's fur and then swirl the comb in hot soapy water in between each stroke. This will prevent the fleas from escaping into your home and reinfesting your pooch.
Grooming Rubber Brush for Dogs A rubber brush - also called rubber curry brush, is a great multifunction tool suitable for all types of coats. Due to the rubber nubs it is especially useful if you have a short-haired dog that sheds a lot. The rubber works like a magnet to remove loose hair and the soft pins help to massage the skin, which stimulates blood flow and encourages healthy oils to spread. Some rubber brushes have handles and others like the Zoom Groom for dogs made by Kong, are completely rubber, making them an ideal shampooing brush for bath time.
Grooming Double Sided Brush for Dogs A double sided brush offers the best of both worlds. It is a useful dog grooming tool for all types of coats. One side is a pin brush, which removes tangles and mats in fur. The other side is a bristle brush, which is great for finishing up as it smooths and shines the coat. A double sided dog brush is more useful for medium to long haired dogs as pin brushes are not very effective on short or sleek coated pooches.
Grooming Bristle Brush for Dogs These sorts of brushes are ideal finishing brushes for all coat types as they smooth fur and spread healthy skin oils, resulting in glossy fur. If you have a short-haired dog with a sleek coat then a bristle brush is probably all you need to remove loose hair. The size, spacing, length and stiffness of bristles determine what dog it is suitable for. Short bristles that are near together are ideal for short-haired dogs, longer bristles are better for longer hair. If your pooch has a wiry coat you will need to look for a stiffer bristles.
Grooming Mat Breaker for Dogs There are several styles of mat breakers for dogs but they are all designed to help you remove dog hair knots. These grooming tools have sharp blades that cut through the hair removing matted areas of fur. It is a better alternative to cutting out hair as it preserves the length of your dog's fur. Due to the sharp blades you must be very careful not to damage your dog's skin. It is best to avoid using a de matter on smooth coated dogs.
Grooming Moulting Comb for Dogs Moulting combs are recognisable by their unique shape featuring two pin lengths. This is ideal for double coated dogs as the long pins penetrate the topcoat removing knots and the short hairs help to collect the moulted fur.
Grooming De-sheeder for Dogs De-shedding tool for dogs. Those of you with furry tumbleweeds rolling across your floor may be looking for a dog deshedding tool. Grooming tools such as the Furminator for dogs helps to remove lots of loose hair in one session. The design of these tools aims to remove dead undercoat hairs before they have a chance to fall off in your house.
Grooming Comb for Dogs Ideal for thick, woolly and curly fur a grooming comb has wider spaced teeth in comparison to a flea comb. This allows you to push it through the fur and untangle knots without breaking the hair. Choose a comb with large spaced teeth for long/thick hair and narrower spaced teeth for short-haired dogs.
Deshedding Tools You can also use a de-shedding tool, like the Furminator for example. Which works incredibly well for removing excess pet hair and reducing shedding. This tool is made up of one row of tightly packed pins, much like a comb. It works by removing loose hair from the topcoat and undercoat in a single motion, and it is suitable for most hair types. They are more expensive than a standard brush, but they work very well, and they can make your life easier.
Choosing the right grooming equipment can be a very difficult process. There are many different dog grooming brushes available, and each has its own specific purpose. Ideally, it is best to consult with a groomer before buying any grooming tools, as each breed and coat type has specific needs. Here are a few tried and true grooming tools that help reduce shedding:
Furminator: The Furminator is by far my favorite brush. This tool comes with a guarantee that it will reduce shedding by up to 90%.
ZoomGroom: The Kong ZoomGoom features a curry comb style brush that is great for removing loose hairs. It also dually works as a massaging tool to keep your dog feeling his best.
Slicker Brush: Slicker brushes work well for dogs with thicker coats and undercoats. They help release tangles and gather loose hair.
Shedding Blade: Dog shedding blades feature a metal loop band with small serrated teeth on one side. The teeth are brushed against your dog's coat, removing loose hair with each swipe. Blades are best for dogs that do not have very long coats.
Glove Brushes: Glove brushes are ideal for dogs with short coats. These remove loose fur and massage your dog's skin to help disperse oils and improve circulation. They also are a great way to bond with your dog while you groom him, providing a mini massage.
Grooming Table: Depending on how often you brush your dog, you may want to consider a dog grooming table. The table lets your dog sit up higher, making brushing more manageable for you so that you are not forced to hunch over.
Managing dog shedding is the challenge of owning a furball. Home remedies for dog shedding will help so you can survive the season without shaving your pooch or resorting to other crazy methods. This is just a part of being a paw-rent. With all the love that the doggo is giving you, this is just a little sacrifice.
1. FURminator It comes in a variety of sizes for short and long-haired dogs, making it easy to find the best style for your pet. Unlike others in this article, the FURminator has a "FURejector" button to remove the loose hairs from the tool for no-hassle cleaning. High quality deshedder that removes up to 90% of loose hair on most dogs, edge guard reduces irritation, easy to clean and comes in 6 sizes to suit your dog.
2. GoPets Dematting Comb Silicone gel handle and double sided stainless steel comb that removes dead hair from undercoat and cuts through mats and knots. Best for long, thick hair breeds.
3. DakPets Pet Grooming Brush Our deshedder is developed by pet grooming experts who specialize in animal care. Our Pet Grooming Brush may reduce young & old dogs & cats from shedding by up to 95%. No need to worry about unsightly hair or fur all over your house, beds or car. Consider the savings you will make on pet grooming tools and visits with your veterinarian or pet groomer. This dog cat grooming comb is so well-priced you can keep one in the house and car.
4. Coastal - Li'l Pals Dog Slicker Brush with Coated Tips, No Color, One Size. Features a pad of flexible wire pins that contour to her body for efficient grooming. Quickly and easily detangles fur, removes loose hair and smooths the coat. Plastic tips on each bristle prevent irritation of her soft, sensitive skin. Regular brushing massages the skin to stimulate the production of natural oils and distributes them evenly for a shiny, healthy coat. At 4.9 inches in length, this little brush is scaled down to the perfect proportions for petite pups.
5. CONAIRPRO dog & cat Pet-It Curry Comb PALM BRUSH FOR DOGS: During shampooing, thick bristles gently massage & stimulate the coat & help evenly distribute pet-care products for healthy looking, shiny fur. Can also be used as a massager. EASY TO USE: ConairPRO Dog & Cat Pet-It brushes are made to fit seamlessly in the palm of your hand. Great for animals who are scared of large brushes.
Oster ShedMonster De-Shedding Tool Dog grooming tool reduces shedding by up to 90%. Helps break up tangles and remove loose fur. Smooth edges protect skin from irritation. Designed for use with medium-to-long-coated breeds. Ergonomic non-slip handle for extra comfort and control.
6. Coastal - Safari:Plastic Pin and Bristle Combo Brush, Comb Provides two grooming tools in one with dual design. Easily removes loose hair and debris with wire pins. Bristles distribute natural oils evenly throughout coat for healthy, shiny hair. Great for all breeds and coat types. Ideal for households with multiple pets.
7. Pet Neat Deshedding Brush This Pet Neat deshedding brush boasts a 4.7-star rating with over 3,000 Amazon reviews, so it is no surprise that it is a best-seller. In just 10 minutes of brushing, it can remove up to 95% of loose dog hair. The 4-inch comb is made of durable stainless steel, and even comes with a lifetime money-back guarantee should you run into any issues. Plus, whether you have a short or a long-haired dog with a single or double coat, this brush should work for your dog's fur. This little wonder brush is truly astounding. It removes topcoat and undercoat fur, leaves the coat looking really good. It must feel really really good, and it takes care of the itchiness of shedding season for them.
8. Hertzko Self Cleaning Slicker Brush Although some dog brushes can be a pain to a clean, this Hertzko self-cleaning slicker brush has a unique feature: With just a click of a button, its bristles retract inside of the brush, making it super easy to remove all of the hair. This brush also works on all kinds of dog coats and its fine, wire bristles are able to de-mat your pup's undercoat without scratching its skin. Along with a 4.6-star rating on Amazon, this makes it a standout deshedding brush for your dog. This is the very best brush for both brushing your dog or getting hair easily off of your carpet when you have a long haired dog. It holds the hair and we have never seen a brush that retracts like this and the hair just falls into the trash.
9. Glendan Slicker Grooming Brush You do not have to spend a lot to find a high-quality deshedding brush for your dog. This Glendan slicker grooming brush will get the job done for less than $10. It is available in two sizes - small or large and features small stainless steel bristles with a no-slip rubber handle. And, given the 90-day guarantee and 4.6-star Amazon rating, this deshedding brush is a no-brainer.
10. Sleek EZ Grooming and Shedding Tool If you want to go tough against shedding, this Sleek EZ brush will help remove up to 95% of the falling hair. It is made from a cylindrical wood where the high-carbon steel comb is attached. By gliding gently, you will prevent hurting your doggo. Aside from using this as a grooming tool, the brush can work well with your lint roller to remove fur that sticks to your car seat, furniture, or bedding. This unassuming brush comes in different sizes to suit the size of your dog. It is actually less intrusive than other bristled or teethed brush that agitates your pooch. This is also cheap but long lasting so you get more than what you pay for.
11. DELOMO Deshedding Mittens / Brush Using a dog grooming brush will end up with flailing paws and constant wiggling. The trick here is to use the Delomo Deshedding Mittens. You will wear it like a normal glove, pet your doggo, and then you have a whole chunk of fur sticking on the palm area. It has 225 silicone tips that massage the pooch instead of grazing his coat. This works most of the time and you can skip the bribing part since your dog won't know that you are actually de-shedding him. The pooch will be in a total Zen mode thinking that you are giving him a nice rub.
12. KONG ZoomGroom The Zoom Groom combines the best of both worlds - grooming time and playtime. Its rubbery teeth provide your pet with a good grooming, while its pleasing shape makes it a great toy for your dog. This cute little guy comes in small and large sizes and is made in the USA. It removes loose hair like a magnet, and it stimulates capillaries and natural oil production for healthy skin and a healthy coat. Perfect for removing hair and use with shampoo, Massages while you brush. Available in two sizes: small / puppy and regular.
DOG GROOMING BASICS This article proudly presented by WWW.PETASSURE.COM
Is Grooming Important? As well as helping to keep your pet looking beautiful, regular grooming allows you to spend quality bonding time with your pet, and gives the opportunity to check their body condition and spot any unusual signs of health problems, such as lumps or bumps. Regular grooming can help to improve muscle tone and skin condition. By stimulating blood circulation and improving the skin natural oil abilities. Grooming is also important for the reduction of the buildup of hairballs in rabbits and cats. Being self-groomers, they like to keep themselves spotlessly clean and smart. But during this process loose and shed hair is often ingested, which puts them at risk of hairball formation. By grooming them regularly with a grooming tool like the Furfixer you can help reduce not only shedding but also the risk of hairballs. Yes, grooming does help with shedding! All dogs need a regular and the right grooming routine to help their skin and coat stay in tip top condition.
All dogs benefit from regular grooming to remove loose hairs and dead skin cells, to keep the coat free of dirt, debris, and external parasites, and to distribute natural skin oils along the hair shafts. Dogs with long, silky or curly coats require daily brushing to keep their hair from becoming tangled or matted, especially around the ears, in the armpits, or along the back of the legs. Dogs with short hair coats may require less frequent brushing. However, daily brushing of any dog that sheds will cut down dramatically on the amount of loose hair and dog dander floating around the home and will also cut down on the amount of hair that the dog swallows in the course of self-grooming with his tongue. Regardless of the type of hair coat, you should inspect your dog's coat every day to make sure there are no tangles or clumps that have developed under the armpits, in the groin, or behind the ears. After a romp through the grass or in the woods, it is a good idea to look for burrs or twigs that might have become trapped in the coat and could potentially cause irritation. If you regularly check your dog's coat and skin, you will also have a better chance of detecting any unusual lumps and bumps, parasites such as fleas and ticks, or areas of sensitivity on your dog's body.
Various Dog Breeds Require Different Grooming Practices
Longer, Thicker Coats such as Akitas and Newfoundlands need regular brushing with a firm bristle brush. More frequent daily brushing and combing is recommended when they are shedding their coats. Do not bathe these breeds too often as it removes the protective oils from their coats. Probably one bath in the spring and one in the fall will do unless they have gotten really dirty.
Non-shedding, Curly Coats such as Poodles and Bedlington Terriers need clipping and bathing about every two months. Excess ear hair should be pulled out, not cut, at that time.
Longer, Silky Coats such as the Afghan Hound, Maltese, Lhasa Apso, Spaniels and Setters should be brushed with a pin brush after a weekly bath. These breeds should be trimmed every couple of months. Spaniels' ears and paws will need excess hair trimmed. The dead hair on these breeds should be removed or "stripped".
The Wiry Coats of some Dachshunds, Schnauzers and most terriers, like the West Highland White Terrier, need brushing and combing at least three times a week. Strip and hand pluck the dead hair in the coat and bathe these breeds every three months. Hand stripping a large dog can take several hours. Clipping is an option if the dog isn't being used as a show dog. It is a good idea to carefully cut excess hair around the eyes and ears too.
The Smooth Coats, such as the Boxer, Whippet and Labrador are easy to groom using a hound glove. Other short hair smooth-coated breeds just need a weekly combing and brushing. These breeds should not be bathed more than two or three times per year because it removes the protective oils from their coats. Note that there are dry bathing products available as an alternative to soap and water. Breeders keep short haired dogs looking good by running a stripping knife over their coats on a daily basis.
1. Start Young - teach your puppy that regular grooming is a fun and enjoyable experience. Early grooming can also help desensitize your pet to touch on their paws, face, ears ad mouth. This will make visiting the vet for an examination easy and stress free.
2. Short Quick Sessions - keep grooming sessions short and gradually build up the time. If you notice your pup is becoming agitated stop and start again later down the track. Go at your pup's pace.
3. Praise - ensure you praise your pup for nice calm behaviour during grooming. Think a fun game with their favourite toy or a yummy treat.
4. Regular - make grooming a regular exercise and not just a means to remove painful matts or knots. Your pet should view the brush as an enjoyable experience.
5. Tools - get the correct tools for the job. Wire coats, curly coats and short coats will require different brushes to keep their coats in top condition.
How to train your dog to sit still during grooming
In order to get your dog to sit still during grooming there are four important training sections:
Standing Sit-Stay Distraction Training Grooming & Nail Clipping Acceptation
According to Rick of Wiggly Tails - a dog groomer in Perth. It is important to start early with this training. Don't start a day before the first grooming session! As with anything, it takes time to train your beloved dog.
Standing Training your dog to enjoy their grooming session at an early age is a must for pet owners. You can make this a positive experience for your dog by training them when they are young pups. Several basic commands that are important to a pet owner and often taught during puppy training are the sit, stand and come commands. In addition to grooming, the stand command can also come in handy if you show your dog or attend rally classes. Begin the exercise by asking your dog to sit. With a treat in hand, move the morsel forward toward your body. When your dog stands to sample the treat, praise them and give the snack as the reward. Practise the exercise until they master the command. Because the groomer will need to beautify different areas of their body, you can cue them on the stand-stay command. This allows them sufficient time to go over the dog and ensure that they are perfectly coiffed. Gently pat and touch different areas on their body to get them used to the movements.
Sit-Stay Whether your dog is getting a haircut, nails trimmed, fur blown dry or bathed, they are going to need to be kept calm. You can help your dog through the process by teaching them how to sit still. Positive reinforcement through praise, petting or a treat are all popular training methods. You can begin by placing your dog in the sit position for short amounts of time. If they perform this task, they get the reward. If they break form, they are placed back into the sit position. As your dog progresses, increase the amount time that they need to sit before they are rewarded. If your dog is older or has health complications, they may be more comfortable in the down stay position. Practise the same drills using treats, praise or belly rubs.
Preparing Your Pup for Distractions Because your dog will have an assortment of grooming needs throughout their lives, you want to get them used to an assortment of distractions. If your dog is scared or breaks their sit-stay suddenly, it could put both them and groomer at risk. This is especially important when your dog is getting their nails trimmed. As your dog is in the sit-stay command, find activities that will distract them and break their position. If your dog loves to fetch, bounce a tennis ball past them while sitting. If they show signs of going after the balls, place them back in the sit-stay position. For dogs who fail to break the command, you can reward them positively with a treat. Other forms of distraction during their sit-stay include walking around the room, greeting friends and making loud noises. If your dog gets nervous or excited, practise this exercise until it no longer causes them anxiety or stress.
Training Your Dog to Stay and Accept Grooming Keeping your dogs nails trimmed and hair cut is an important part of the grooming process. You can begin by teaching your dog to accept being brushed by keeping the sessions short and comforting. Look for a brush where the bristles are soft and feel welcoming against the puppies face and torso. As you move along their body, gently pick up each paw and touch it with the brush. Give the dog belly rubs, praise and a treat as positive reinforcement. Since their groin, paws and underarms are sensitive areas, be extra gentle when manoeuvring the brush. Touching their paws with gentle games of "got your paw" can prove helpful when it's time for your dog to get their nails trimmed. After the nail trimming session, offer praise and treats as their reward for good behaviour.
DOG GROOMING STYLE BY HAIR TYPES This article proudly presented by and WWW.DOGICA.COM
SHEDDING IN OLD DOGS This article is proudly presented by WWW.PETCENTRAL.COM and Michelle A. Rivera
If you notice that your old dog is losing hair, it is natural to become concerned. Senior dogs can lose their hair or fur for a variety of reasons. Hair loss can be normal - what we commonly refer to as shedding or it can be abnormal and health related, but why is your old dog losing hair? One reason for old dogs losing hair is seasonal shedding. Abnormal hair loss in senior dogs that results in baldness (alopecia) may be a sign of a hormonal abnormality like Cushing's disease - where the dog's cortisol levels are too high or hypothyroidism - where thyroid levels are too low. Also, old dogs may start losing hair because of illness. Infections of the hair follicle with bacteria or mange mites can appear as excessive shedding. An inadequate diet that is lacking the correct balance of nutrients can lead to hair loss in dogs. The nutritional needs of dogs may change as they age, requiring a diet switch or additional supplements, as recommended by your veterinarian.
Parasites - if you are noticing that an old dog is losing hair in patches, it could be due to the manifestation of parasites. Infestations of fleas, ticks or mites can cause hair loss as the dog scratches and bites their itchy and irritated skin. Flea bites in particular can trigger allergic reactions in dogs, leading to further skin inflammation and hair loss. Parasites may be visible on the skin - as in the case of fleas and ticks, or may be invisible to the naked eye - as with skin mites. Dogs infested with parasites are often very itchy and may obsessively scratch or lick their skin. Aging - Some geriatric dogs will develop alopecia or hypotrichosis (thin coat) in the normal course of aging, without identifiable underlying hormonal disease.
How to Identify Hair Loss in Senior Dogs To know if your senior dog's hair loss is simply shedding or something more, take a close look at the coat:
If there is seemingly a lot of shedding, but the hairs are replaced just as quickly, without resulting in alopecia or hypotrichosis, it is often normal.
If one can grasp a tuft of hair and pull nearly all of them out easily, that is more likely to be abnormal.
If you are not sure, ask your groomer. Groomers are often on the front line when it comes to noticing any changes in the dog's physical appearance. In many cases, groomers see the pet every six to eight weeks - far more frequently than the average pet sees their veterinarian.
How to Treat Senior Dog Hair Loss? The first step toward treating senior dog hair loss is figuring out what is causing it by taking your dog to the veterinarian for an exam. The vet will take a comprehensive history, asking you questions about the dog's symptoms. Screening for hormonal diseases will include a blood panel. The veterinarian may also review the dog's nutritional status. Depending on your dog's symptoms, other tests might be recommended. Once the cause of an old dog losing hair has been identified, they might be treated in a variety of ways:
Medication: If your dog has an infection, disease or other medical issue, such as Cushing's disease or hypothyroidism, medication might be prescribed to address the root cause of the hair loss. Sometimes simply addressing the underlying medical issue will also address the hair loss.
Shampoos: Medicated shampoos might be required in the case of skin infections or allergies. If the dog's skin is itchy and/or dry, your veterinarian might recommend bathing them with a moisturizing shampoo. There are even shampoos that help decrease shedding, such as FURminator DeShedding Ultra Premium shampoo for dogs.
Nutrition: If your dog's veterinarian is concerned about nutritional deficiencies, they might recommend a diet change. A good quality food that provides a high plane of nutrition is important for dogs that have lost substantial hair, which is made largely of protein.
Grooming Regimens: If your old dog is shedding a lot and the cause of hair loss is normal seasonal shedding, daily brushing and monthly bathing with a moisturizing shampoo can help cut down on the amount of hair trapped in the coat, and remove shed hair before it ends up all over your house. Specialty grooming products like grooming mitts hand gloves for dogs, and de-shedding tools can help remove the shed hair. A warm bath with a mild shampoo, followed by a conditioner, will help release shedding coat. After the coat is dried, continued brushing and combing will also further the process. Many pet owners find that having their pet professionally groomed during shedding season makes a huge difference.
Supplements: Certain supplements may improve skin and coat quality. Fish oil supplementation is sometimes recommended to improve coat quality, but has not been shown to speed up hair growth.
Always talk to your veterinarian before adding supplements to your dog's diet !
So, How to manage the Aftermath of Shedding in Your Home? Shedding makes a mess, no doubt about it. As a dog owner, you have probably come to terms with the fact that regular house cleaning is the norm, especially during shedding season. The key is to remove hair before it has a chance to embed itself into your carpet and upholstery. Keeping a pet hair tape roller around for touch-ups throughout the day is an excellent idea. For deeper cleaning of upholstery and small areas, consider using a handheld vacuum designed to pick up pet hair, like the Dyson DC31 Animal. When it comes to cleaning carpets, Panasonic's Pet-Friendly JetSpin Cyclone does the job well. For non-carpeted floors, some excellent options include the Swiffer, the Fur Be Gone Broom, and similar style products. If your dog has a favorite spot on the furniture, an easily washable blanket or furniture cover is a must.
Lint Roller A lint roller is convenient for your clothes. Before you head out, just do a quick clothes check, roll it up and down your trousers and top and you are fur-free and good to go. You can make your own roller by wrapping a bit of double-sided tape around your hand too. That also works well for cleaning your furniture.
Rubber Gloves Hair that got "tangled" into your carpet is difficult to remove using a vacuum cleaner. Fortunately, there is a surprisingly easy solution: Rubber gloves! Put them on and sweep the hair up in no time at all. To clean larger surfaces, you might use a squeegee for window or floor cleaning: just remove all the hair from your carpet or furniture in short strokes.
Clothes in the Tumble Dryer Do you find there is still hair on your clothes, even after washing them? Put them in the tumble dryer for 15 minutes together with a pair of tights. The tights will gather all the hair! Remember to empty the tumble dryer's filter regularly, since hair will end up there as well. We would not recommend wearing the tights again by the way.
Balloons A cheerful way of removing hair from your clothes: just rub an inflated balloon over them. Due to static electricity, all the hair will be attracted to the balloon. This is also the reason why it is best not to buy any clothes or blankets made of fleece: They attract hair like a magnet. Fabrics like cotton are less attractive to pet hair.
Air Filters Also, good air filters in the home will help trap hair particles that get into the air. This not only helps keep your house cleaner, but it can also be a great benefit to anyone with dog allergies that might enter your home.
Brush Your Dog Outside! This will allow any hair not contained within a brush to be whisked away outdoors, rather than getting that free-floating hair all over your couch and furniture.
Couch Covers Couch covers are pieces of fabric are designed to protect your upholstery from pet hair and stains. They are easy to take on and off and are machine washable, making them easy to clean.
Car Covers & Hammocks Special seat covers and hammocks are made to place a barrier between your dog and your car seats or carpet, preventing fur from destroying your back seat.
For Dog-Friendly Furniture Certain materials make for better dog-proof furniture than others, so consider choosing furniture with fabrics that are tough enough to withstand paws and can keep fur off without too much work.
Dampened Mop To sweep up loose dog hair from hardwood or vinyl floors, use a dampened mop.
Dampened Rubber To pick up loose dog hair that is attached to upholstered furniture, wear a dampened rubber glove or use a damp sponge.
Humidity Maintaining humidity will lessen the fur that sticks to surfaces and static cling.
Window Squeegee To pick up dog hair from your carpet, use a window squeegee.
Washable Cover Place a washable towel or blanket over your dog's favorite sleeping spot to keep hair from clinging to cushions. Use washable window coverings if your dog likes to watch the world go by from the floor in front of a picture window or patio doors.Draperies made of smooth fabrics won't attract as much hair as heavy textured ones, so if you are in the market for some new window furnishings, purchase ones that are less likely to become filled with your dog's hair.
NON SHEDDING DOG MYTHS This article is proudly presented by WWW.PLAYBARKRUN.COM and Katlin Primrose
There are a lot of myths and misconceptions regarding shedding and non shedding breeds. There is also some discussion on how to properly care for their coats. And, of course, we need to tackle the allergy myths.
Hypoallergenic Dogs and Allergies According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America: as many as 3 in 10 people in the United States have allergic reactions to dogs. Each person suffering from allergies will have different reactions. Some people are allergic to all dogs, while some are only allergic to shedding breeds. The truth is there is no truly hypoallergenic dog breed. They all produce some level of allergens. However non shedding breeds do better with allergy sufferers due to their minimal pet dander. We also have to consider mixed breeds. Mixing a shedding and non shedding breed can expectantly have mixed results. One of the biggest culprits being the Labradoodle, which we cover in more detail below.
If I shave my shedding dog, then I won't get an allergic reaction Hair does not create an allergic reaction, the real culprit is Pet Dander. What is pet dander? They are tiny particles of dead skin that become airborne and come in contact with your skin, eyes, and respiratory system. These are particles of dead skin that naturally shed all year long and are the primary cause of your reaction. Shaving your dog will further expose the skin, and may make your allergies even worse. Some owners mistakenly believe that shaving their shedding double coated dog will not only relieve their own allergies, but help their dog in hot weather. In reality this practice is a determinate to the health of both you and your dog.
There is a much healthier alternative: Bathing. As we said earlier, all dogs produce allergens. Even "hypoallergenic" dogs will release dander that can get trapped within a long coat. Regular brushing and bathing will remove excess particles and may provide some relief from your allergic reactions. In short: you cannot shave a double coated dog, except under rare medical circumstances. However, you can greatly reduce allergens with regular bathing and brushing. With regular brushing and bathing, you decrease the amount of dander/hair present, which will in turn lessen allergic reactions to these highly antigenic proteins.
I will get a non-shedding dog because they are maintenance free Even though you won't have to vacuum your house as much, these dogs require special attention. Non shedding dogs continually grow hair. And just like the hair on your head, if left unkempt it will tangle and grow bacteria. Hair tangles are much more of a danger for dogs. Tangles continue to tighten up on the surface of the skin, which leads to bruising and severe pain. These injuries, with the development of bacteria, leads to severe skin infections. The best way to avoid matting and tangles is through regular brushing and bathing. Maintaining a brushing schedule twice per week, and a haircut every 6 to 12 weeks, depending on breed, will maintain their coat and overall health.
I do not have to brush my dog if they visit the groomer This is unfortunately a common trait among customers of grooming salons. The reality is that not brushing your dog for several weeks can lead to severe matting. Tangles will continue to get tighter and tighter, pulling on the skin, which can lead to bruising and even permanent hair loss. Besides the health concerns, this is also costing you extra money. Dogs that come in with heavy matting require extra time and care. Which means your groomer is charging you more. Save your pup from discomfort while saving some money by brushing your pup twice per week.
My dog is a Poodle-Mix or Labradoodle, so they are hypoallergenic Not all poodle mixes, including Labradoodles, are hypoallergenic. It all hinges on your dog's genetics. If you are lucky your dog may have hypoallergenic traits passed on from their poodle parent. However, it is a roll of the dice. If you want an almost guaranteed hypoallergenic poodle mix, then you will need one from a 3rd generation litter. Meaning both parents, and both grandparents, must also be non-shedding and hypoallergenic. This goes for all crossbreeds between shedding and non shedding dogs.
SHEDDING vs MOULTING This article is proudly presented by ANIMALS.MOM.COM and WWW.DOGTIME.COM and Michelle A. Rivera
Shedding and molting appear to be similar processes, but they are vastly different in purpose and technique. Animals with fur shed, while animals with exoskeletons and some reptiles molt. Shedding is nature's way of preparing the animal for seasonal changes, while molting prepares the animal for a new stage of growth. Shedding has little to no significance on the animal's ability to carry on daily activities, but molting causes a vulnerability in many animals.
SHEDDING All mammals with fur or hair, including humans, shed. When humans lose hair, it is like when a non-human animal sheds. The hair follicle dies and the hair falls off. Most all furry critters shed in response to seasonal changes. In dog industry parlance, it's called "blowing their coat." Even those dogs considered hypoallergenic, such as poodles, shed a little. The hair that is shed just gets tangled in with the natural curls of the coat so there is not much to sweep up off the floor, giving the impression they do not shed. As the seasons change, hormonal changes in the animal trigger the shedding response. When it gets colder, the coat comes in thick. But as the weather warms, the fur begins to fall out, thinning the coat in preparation for the higher temperatures. Even polar bears, who live in cold weather year-round, shed their coats annually.
MOULTING When humans grow, their skin grows along with them. It is hard to imagine not having skin that grows. But some animals have skin that does not grow. Animals that molt for this reason are found in the insect, arachnid, crustacean and reptile families. The technical term for the process of molting is "ecdysis." Arachnids such as tarantulas and scorpions and many insects with exoskeletons molt. An animal with an exoskeleton has its "bones" on the outside, rather than the inside. It serves the same purpose as the human skeleton, only it is visible and gives some animals a hardened shell. Since the shell is hard, it must be removed from time to time as the animal's body grows naturally to allow room for the larger body. In the case of snakes, who do not have a hard outer shell, they shed their skin because it does not grow with them like human skin. Therefore, as the snake grows, he must shed his outer skin in order to grow new skin.
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